Departments of Fine Arts

Undergraduate Programme

DOFA offers a B.A. (Special) degree in Fine Arts which provides both a strong academic background and practical expertise in respective fields/genres. The undergraduate students are given an opportunity to study the latest technologies such as computer graphics and digital filming in addition to their fields of specification.

A characteristic feature of the undergraduate programme is that it includes both Media Studies and Digital Technology for Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage Management in order to make the students familiar with the contemporary intellectual world.

Those who follow general degrees (three years) are also allowed to study fine arts related disciplines.

List of Courses Fine Arts Undergraduate Degree Program (B.A Hons in Fine Arts)

FNA 101 :
FNA 102 :

FNA 201 :
FNA 202 :
FNA 203 :
FNA 204 :

FNA 205 :

FNA 206 :

FNA 210 :
FNA 211 :
FNA 212 :
FNA 213 :

FNA 214 :

FNA 215 :

FNA 301 :
FNA 302 :
FNA 303 :
FNA 304 :
FNA 305 :

FNA 306 :

FNA 307 :
FNA 310 :
FNA 311 : 

FNA 312 :
FNA 313 :

FNA 314 :

FNA 315 :
FNA 401 :
FNA 402 :
FNA 403 :

FNA 404 :

FNA 405 :

FNA 498 :
FNA 410 :
FNA 411 :

FNA 412 :

FNA 413 :

FNA 499 :
Introduction to Fine Arts
Introductions to Art History and Aesthetics

Art in Early Human Societies:
Art of West I
Cinema and TV with Practical Component I:
Screen Language and Practice in Single Camera Techniques
Theatre and Drama with Practical Component I
Script writing and Classical Theatre
Music with Practical Component I
Basics of Music
Sociology and Psychology of Art :
Asian Art
Mass Communication an Introduction to Mass Media;    
Cinema and Television with Practical Component II:
Textual systems in Film and Television
Theatre and Drama with Practical Component II
Acting and Renaissance Theater
Music with Practical Component II
History of Music
Classical Theories of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Art of the West II
Computer and digital technology for Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage Management I
Cinema and TV with Practical Component III
The Theory and Practice of Story Telling in Cinema and Television
Theatre and Drama with a Practical Component III
Stage Designing and Modern Theater
Music with a Practical Component III
Modern Trends in Music
Modern Theories of Aesthetics and Art Criticism:
Computer and digital technology for Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage Management II
Cinema and TV with Practical Component IV
The Industrial, Production aspects and Techniques of Film and Television
Theatre and Drama with a Practical Component IV
Modern Trends in Theater
Music with Practical Component IV
Ethnic and Regional Music in Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Theatre Sinhala, Tamil, and English
Arts and Cultural Heritage Management:
Art and Disability :
Cinema and TV: with Practical Component V
Critical Studies in Film and Television
Theatre and Drama with Practical Component V
Theatre Production
Music with Practical Component V
Comparative Study of Music
Dissertation Part I
Painting and Sculpture in Sri Lanka
Music , an Introduction
(Only for those who do not offer Music : FNA 206,FNA 215,FNA 306,FNA 314,FNA 405)
Cinema and Television
(Only for those who do not offer Film and TV   : FNA 204,FNA 213,FNA 304,FNA 312,FNA 403)
Theatre and Drama
(Only for those who do not offer Theatre & Drama : FNA 205,FNA 214,FNA 305,FNA 313,FNA 404)
Dissertation Part II

Department of Fine Arts