PSY 308 - Abnormal Psychology II


Pre – requisite – PSY 101, PSY 304


The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive study of the main mental disorders emphasising mainly neurotic and psychotic processes. Different aspects of the suicidal and addictive behaviours.


Course Content;

Anxiety disorders, Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, Phobic and Obsessive - Compulsive disorders, Schizophrenia disorders, Sexual  dysfunction and abnormalities of sexual preference, Suicidal behaviours, Psychoactive  use disorder,  Organic mental disorders, Age related disorders

Recommended Readings:-

1.      Carson, R. C. Butcher, J.N. Coleman, J.C.1988. Abnormal Psychology and Modern life. (8th ED); London, Foresman and company.

2.      Comer, R.J.1995. Abnormal Psychology. (2nd ED), New York, W.H. freeman and company.

3.      Comer, R.J.1996. Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology. New York, W.H. freeman and Company.

4.      DSM – iv TM.1995. Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (4th ED), Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.

Halgin, R.P. Whitbourne, S.K.1997. Abnormal Psychology. (2nd ED), Srown and Benchmark Publishers.