Ms. A.G.D.N. Karunarathna |
Department of Archaeology,
University of Peradeniya,
Sri Lanka. |
Email: |
kdulma@yahoo.co.uk |
Telephone: |
Website: |
Educational Qualifications: |
- B.A. (Peradeniya,Sri Lanka), M Phil (Peradeniya)
Appointments (Selected) : |
- Lecturer (Temporary) –Department of Archaeology, University of Peradeniya , (From 2002 -2006)
- Lecturer (Probationary) - Department of Archaeology, University of Peradeniya , (From 2006-2011)
- Senior Lecturer Grade II - Department of Archaeology, University of Peradeniya , (From 2011 to present)
Memberships & Awards : |
- 2011 Commonwealth Scholarship United Kingdom .
- 2003-2004-Hilda Obesekera Research fellowship for M. Phil, University of Peradeniya , Sri Lanka .
- 2002-Professor Leelananda Prematilake and Dr. Nanda Prermatilake prize for highest average in Archaeology, General Convocation, University of Peradeniya , Sri Lanka .
- 1997-Mahapola Higher Education ( Merit ) Scholarship, Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund , Sri Lanka .
- 1996 Annual Best Students‟ Prize, Awarded by Bandarathilaka Art Foundation, Kelaniya , Sri Lanka .
- 1995 -Prof. Maramba Ratanasara Annual Memorial Scholarship Prize to a student of Gurukula Maha Vidyalaya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka for the best Advance Level results.
- Life member the Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSA)
- Member - Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists
- Ambassador for Peace in Sri Lanka , Universal Peace Federation
Research Intersests : |
- Ancient Built Environment of South Asia, Art History, Social Archaeology of gender,
- Craft & Technology of Pre Industrial Sri Lanka, Socio - Economic History of south Asia
Research Publications : |
- 2009 - Dulma Karunarathna, Hudakalawa (Poetry), Author publication.
- Dulma Karunarathna, The Goddess Tara: Perception towards women in Mahayana Art Forms in Sri Lanka , Ariya Publishers, Warakapola. (In Print)
- Articles, abstracts & paper presentations: 2010- Dulma Karunarathna, The Multi-facetted Contribution of Female Figures at the Entrances of Ancient Sri Lankan Built Environment , Paper has been selected to be presented at the, Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE) 2010, will be held on 16th December 2010.
- 2010 - Sudharshan Seneviratne, Dulma Karunarathna, Kumuduni Nanayakkara and Poornima Ihalagedara. (Joined research paper and presented by Dulma Karunarathna) Contradictions of Development in the Chasm of Survival or Obliteration: Saga of the Crafts Communities in the Central Province of Sri Lanka . International Conference, Reflections 2010, Managing Diversity, Reconciliation & Development, held on 01& 02, 11, 2010 at Galadari Hotel, Colombo , Organized by GTZ & FLICT
- 2010 - Dulma Karunarathna, Portrayal of Women in the Sigiri frescoes, Terracotta Figures and Graffiti: A Socio- archaeological study . Prof. K.N. O. Dharmadasa felicitation Volume, ed. Palitha Lakshman Nugapitiya & Mahinda Ratnayake, S. Godage & Brothers, Colombo . pp 282-307
- 2010 - Dulma Karunarathna, The Efficacy of Lakshmi figure as a multicultural symbol in Ancient Indian and Sri Lankan Art forms , The Society of South Asian Archaeology, 3rd International Congress, Abstract Volume, Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p.53
Other Credentials : |
- 2011 - Advance training workshop: International Fieldwork in Developing Countries Workshop, Newcastle University , United Kingdom .
- 2011 - Postcolonialism Undisciplined: A postgraduate Symposium on Postcolonial Studies in the Art, Humanities and social Sciences, Newcastle University, United Kingdom.
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