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Department of Education

Faculty of Arts - University of Peradeniya

Dr. KSHMVWW Senevirathne

Head/Department of Education

B.Sc., PGDE, M.Phil., PhD

  •    Department of Education
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Bachelor of Science (Bio Science)

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Postgraduate Diploma in Education

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Master of Philosophy in Education

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Doctor of Philosophy in Education

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Current Positions

Sports Advisory board Member - Sports Advisory board Member to the Vice Chancellor, University of Peradeniya

Head - Department of Education

2021 October 01 - To Present

Senior Lecturer - Department of Education, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

2016 September 30 - To Present

Course Coordinator - Post Graduate Diploma in Physical Education Course, Department of Education, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

2006 February 13 - To Present

Departmental Representative of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

- To Present

Volunteer Student Counselor - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

2006 - To Present

Departmental Representative of the CIVICO - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

- To Present

Faculty Representation - Quality Assurance Criterion - 05, University of Peradeniya

- To Present

Management Committee Member - Quality Assurance, University of Peradeniya

- To Present

Positions Held

Course Coordinator - Post Graduate Diploma in Education (full time) Course, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

2010 February 14 - 2013

Course Coordinator - Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Week End) Course

2017 - 2020


Executive Board Member - Elected to the Executive Board Member of the Asian Council for Exercise and Sports Science


Board member - National Delegate -FIEP (International Federation of Academics of Physical Education)

Co-Author - Appointed as a Co- Author of the International Journal of Global Health and Physical Education Pedagogy, Sagamore Publication, USA



Merit award - C.W.W.Kannangara Merit award for Best teaching performance in 2004, Ministry of Education


International Award - Young Coaching Scientist's Award, Joint Research with P.I.Dharmathilaka, at the Asia -Pacific conference of coaching Science (APCOCS2014) Hokaido University ,Japan


International Award - Young Coaching Scientist's Award, Joint Research with M.D.M.D Wijesinghe, at the Asia -Pacific conference of coaching Science (APCOCS2014) Hokaido University, Japan




Dr. Walter Senevirathne (2021), Health Related Physical Fitness, Ariya Printers(Pvt)Ltd,ISBN 978-624-5783-03-8

Dr. Walter Senevirathne (2021), Health and Wellness, Ariya Printers(Pvt)Ltd, ISBN 978-624-5783-01-4

Dr. Walter Senevirathne (2021),Health, Sports and Physical Education, Ariya Printers(Pvt)Ltd, ISBN 978-624-5783-00-7

Dr. Walter Senevirathne (2021),Sports Training and Coaching ,Ariya Printers(Pvt)Ltd,ISBN 978-624-5783-02-1


K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne(2010),Food Habits and Sport Performance among Secondary School Boys and Girls in Sri Lanka, Asian Journal of Physical Education and Recreation,Vol.16,No 1, 2010

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne(2009),A Good Practice of School Sports Meet: Transforming Towards Student Directed Learning Environment, Asian Council of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Sains, Malaysia

Participation of university students in sports activities: Developing a sports structure, Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition, 2021:2(1):23-25, E- ISSN-2707-7020

Adults' knowledge in exercise , attitudes and behaviours:A case study in the Kandy city of Sri Lanka, International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education,2021;6(1)146-148 ,ISSN2456-0057

A study to develop motor fitness reference values of secondary school children in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science ISSN No. 2454-6186

Reliability of Field Based Health Related Physical Fitness Tests in Sri Lankan School settings, Research Hub International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vo.8,Issue 04,April 2021, ISSN: 2349-7637


A Critical Study of the Implementation of Sports and Physical Education Curriculum of Secondary Schools in Sri Lanka

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne(2007) A Critical Study of the Implementation of Sports and Physical Education Curriculum of Secondary Schools in Sri Lanka, 10th International Research Symposium. of Sri Lanka

Sabaragamuwa University


A Good Practice of School Sport Meet: Transforming Towards Student Directed Learning Environment

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne,(2009 A Good Practice of School Sport Meet: Transforming Towards Student Directed Learning Environment,8th International Sports Science Conference

University of Sains, Kota Bharu, Malaysia


Action Research as a Strategy for Improving Recreational Games in the Teacher Induction Programme

K.S.H.M.V.W.W. Senevirathne(2010) 2010-Action Research as a Strategy for Improving Recreational Games in the Teacher Induction Programme ,10th International Sports Science Conference

National Institute of Education, Singapore


Study on Leisure Habits and Attitudes of Youths in Urban Area

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne,(2011)Study on Leisure Habits and Attitudes of Youths in Urban Area: A Case Study Conducted in the Kandy Municipal Area in Sri Lanka,5th Asia- Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science

Shanghai University of Sports, China


Health related physical fitness among secondary school children in Sri Lanka

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne, (2015) Health related physical fitness among secondary school children in Sri Lanka, 6th Asia- Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science

Manev Rachana University, New-Delhi, India


Effectiveness of a yoga program on school principals stress coping strategies

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne, (2016) Effectiveness of a yoga program on school principals stress coping strategies: Finding from a pre service training professionals sample.International conference of sports physical education Health and Wellness.



Action Research Methodology for Physical Education Teachers’ Professional Leaning;

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne,(2017)Action Research Methodology for Physical Education Teachers’ Professional Leaning; A Good Practice From Sri Lankan Experience.Asia Pacific Conference of Exercise and sports Science. Invited Speaker Kasetstart University



Does physical Education fail in Sri Lanka? A Recent Perspective, FIEP Asia Conference

K.S.H.M.V.W.W.Senevirathne, (2018) Does physical Education fail in Sri Lanka? A Recent Perspective, FIEP Asia Conference, Invited Speaker, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

KL, Malaysia



EDU 2016 - Child Development and Education

Department of Education, University of peradeniya

To Present

EDU 2005 - Health and Physical Education- i

Department of Education, University of Peradeniya

To Present

EDU 2009 - Psychology for teaching and learning

Department of Education, University of Peradeniya

To Present

EDU 3002 - Assessment for learning

Department of Education

To Present

EDU 3003 - Health and Physical Education- ii

Department of Education, University of Peradeniya

To Present

EDU 3009 - Curriculum theory and practice

Department of Education, University of Peradeniya

To Present

EDU 3315 - Statistical methods in education

Department of Education, University of Peradeniya

To Present
