The course for the award of a Post Graduate Diploma in Physical Education will be of 18 months duration and will be initially offered to 50 candidates as a self-financed course during the week ends and campus holidays (The numbers could be subsequently increased after the course is run on an experimental basis at least twice).

Admission to the course will be by advertisement, a selective test and a viva-voce examination. The course fees applicable to all Post Graduate Diploma courses will be applicable  for this course as well.(Till the staff is recruited, the Department hopes to obtain the services of other academics in other faculties as well as specialists drawn from the particular field).

Course Structure

The following courses are compulsory for all students who are selected to follow the course. Each course will carry three credit points and will include 45 contact hours. The courses are as follows-

  1. Elementary studies of educational psychology
  2. Studies on developmental and sports psychology
  3. Pedagogy of health and physical education
  4. Curriculum designs in physical education
  5. Administration of physical education and athletics.
  6. Applied physiology


The candidates will have to select and offer two out of the following courses. Each course will carry two credit points (30 hrs. for each course)

  1. Curriculum and teaching in physical education
  2. Legal aspects of sports
  3. Health promotion for children and adolescents
  4. Human sexuality education
  5. Drugs, health, sports and prevention

Field experience and practical component                           (5 credit points)

Field experiences will take place in three settings-elementary, secondary or college level (college here refers to any institution at tertiary level). Students who are concurrently employed as physical education teachers could use their own schools as field sites; other students will be assigned to other sites by the Department.

 The students will remain in the field for exactly ten weeks (at least 5 hours per day) and they will be subjected to supervision and assessment by two supervisors appointed by the Department. During this period they are expected to conduct physical education practical sessions and theory classes and are expected to write a journal. The field experience will be evaluated on a scale of 0-10. These marks will be added to the final examination marks. At least 6 marks should be obtained by a candidate if she/he to considered for a merit or a distinction pass at the final evaluation level. An average of 40% has to be obtained at the final level for a pass. A student can refer in only one subject. The maximum number of times a candidate can sit is limited to three times.

Research Component                                                                        (3 credit points)
A special field related research project is compulsory  for all students following this course. The research should be in the format of the part dissertation in the present Post Graduate Diploma in Education Course. The Department will provide the guidelines and a supervisor will be assigned for the supervision of the research project. The consultation provided will be very brief and it will be more an individual effort. A course of ten hours to acquaint the students with research methodology will be conducted and the attendance at these lectures will be compulsory.

Course Details

Theoretical aspects of the programme

The following course is compulsory for all students selected to follow the Physical Education course. This course will carry 5 credit points and will include 45 contact hours

Course I – Elementary Studies of Education Psychology and Sports.

Part -I

Introduction to Psychology.  Developmental Psychology (Infancy, childhood adolescence and adulthood).  Theories of Learning and Development of Skills.  Concept of Motivation.  Emotions.  Development of Personality, Abnormality and Deviance.  A Framework for Teaching Mental Training Skills.  Counseling and Guidance.

Part II  – Practical Work

Methods of Evoking the Relaxation Response.

Theoretical aspects of the programme

The following course is compulsory for all students selected to follow the Physical Education course. This course will carry 5 credit points and will include 45 contact hours.

Course II Studies on Developmental and Sports Psychology

A.   Developmental Psychology

Meaning and general principles of growth and development.  Biological and physiological changes.  Motor and perceptual changes.  Cognitive and intellectual development.  Emotional development.  The nature of social development.  Moral development.  Integrated development

B. Sports Psychology

Implications of Sports Psychology.  Contribution of Sports Psychology.

Theoretical aspects of the programme.

The following course is compulsory for all students selected to follow the physical education course. This course will carry 5 credit points and will include 45 contact hours

Course III Pedagogy of health and physical education

Teaching as a goal oriented activity.  The Learning Environment.  Implications of content for process.  Establishing goals and objectives for learning.  Planning physical education experiences.  Evaluating instruction.  Teaching strategies as a delivery system.  Presenting movement tasks.  Teacher function during activity.

Theoretical aspects of the programme

The following  course is compulsory for all students selected to follow the Physical Education course. This course will carry 5 credit points and will include 45 contact hours

Course -IV -Curriculum design in physical education

The meaning of physical  education.  The nature and scope of physical education.  The objectives of physical education.  Biological interpretations of physical education.  Psychological interpretation of physical education.  Sociological interpretations of physical education.  The duties of  physical education personal.  Current developments in teacher education especially applicable to the physical education teachers.  Professional preparation of physical education personal.

Theoretical aspects of the programme

The following course is compulsory for all students selected to follow the Physical Education course. This course will carry 5 credit points and will include 45 contact hours.

Course V –Administration of Physical Education and Athletics.

The meaning and scope of Administration.  Democratic Administration.  Qualifications of a good administrator.  Management and administration of sports, human resources and personnel  policies.  Management.  Role and responsibility of a sport manager.  Administrative policies for administration of intramural and extramural activities.  The inter school sports/athletics programme.

Electives of the programme

This Course will carry 3 credit points and will include 20 contact hours.

Course  – I – Applied Physiology

The role of anatomy in physical education.  Structure of the tissues.  Bones of the body.  The joints of the body.  The muscles of the body.  The nature of posture.  The heart and circulation.

Electives of the programme

This Course will carry 3 credit points and will include 20 contact hours.

Course  II – Curriculum and teaching in Physical Education

The objectives of physical education.  Teaching physical education.  Implicating of content for process.  Content analysis and development.  Planning and evaluating instruction.  Teaching strategies

Electives of the programme

This Course will carry 3 credit points and will include 20 contact hours.

Course III Legal aspects of sports

Basic factors of legality.  Health examinations and medical inspections.  Establishing or revising health and physical education legislation.  Liability of institutions responsible for physical education.  Suggestions for administrators.  Maintenance of school plants.

Electives of the programme

This Course will carry 3 credit points and will include 20 contact hours.

Course IV – Health Promotion for Children and Adolescents

Opportunities to acquire useful and positive information about health.  Education and health.  The physical education as health teacher.  Physical education activities and their health values.  The curriculum on health education.  Recreation and health.

Electives of the programme

This Course will carry 3 credit points and will include 20 contact hours.

Course V- Human Sexuality Education

Meaning of sex.  The subject of sex.  Nature of sex.  The sexual tradition.  Sex in relation to society.  Sexuality and the unconscious.  The new moralism.

Electives of the programme

This Course will carry 3 credit points and will include 20 contact hours.

Course VI –Improvement of health and sports activities and prevention of drugs

Health service.  Health instruction.  Issues dealing with sports.  Drug law enforcement efforts.  Drug education and prevention.  Law enforcement.

Examination procedures

Every candidate will have to collect 30 credit points to be considered for a pass. The six compulsory courses each will have a three hour written examination. In addition the course instructor is at liberty to lay down any other requirement which he/she considers appropriate. The performance during the year will be considered when allocating the grades at the final level. Each and every course will be allocated marks out of 100 to determine the level of performance. The candidate will get a distinction pass if he/she obtains an average of 65% with 4 A passes and 2 B passes. A minimum of a B pass should be obtained for the practical and the research projects to be considered eligible for a distinction. To obtain a merit pass the candidate has to obtain an average of 60% with 3 A passes and 2 B passes