Available Courses | 2024 -2025
Module Code | Module Name | Lecture Name | Status |
HIS4008S | State Formation and National Integration of post-colonial Sri Lanka | Prof Dasanayaka KMR Ms Jayathilake AWGNK |
Approved |
HIS2015S | Pali and Sanskrit for Historical Studies | Prof Dasanayaka KMR Mr Sahan Mahesh U.S.Y |
Approved |
ARS4001T | Arabic Rhetoric II | Prof Saleem M.S.M Mr Yaseer MAM |
Approved |
ARS 3004T | Arabic Grammar: Schools and Methods | Ms Asaraha Banu M.A.A. Banu |
Approved |
PSC2005S | Theory and Practice of International Politics | Prof Abeyrathna Upul Dr Jeewaka Saman Kumara A.K. |
Approved |
KRN3001E | Beginner Korean - I | E. A. I. R. Edirisooriya Ruwantha Kulatunga |
Approved |
MGT1011E | Business Environment | Ms Shiromy A.S. | Approved |
ESS1001E &S | Basic Mathematics | Dr Dorabawila SSKBM | Approved |
HIS1001T | A Survey of Sri Lankan History up to the 16th Century AD | Prof Dasanayaka KMR Mr G Jayatheeswaran |
Approved |
PHY1001T | Introduction to Philosophy | Prof Handegama HRNPK Prof. M.S.M. Anes |
Approved |
PHY1001S | Introduction to Philosophy | Mr Bogoda BAJ Prof Handegama HRNPK |
Approved |
PHY1001E | Introduction to Philosophy | Prof Handegama HRNPK Mr Pansilu C. Hettiarachchi HAT |
Approved |
ESS1003T | Logical Reasoning | Prof Handegama HRNPK Prof Jamahir PM |
Approved |
ESS1003S | Logical Reasoning | Prof Handegama HRNPK Mr Bogoda BAJ |
Approved |
ESS1003E | Logical Reasoning | Prof Handegama HRNPK Mr Bogoda BAJ |
Approved |
ENG2001E | The Structure of the English Language | Ms Jayaweera A.J.M.N.M. Dr Kalugampitiya NM |
Approved |
ENG1001E | The Canon: Introduction to English Language and Literary Studies | Dr Dharmasiri K.N. Dr Kalugampitiya NM Prof Sivamohan S |
Approved |
ESS1002E | Communication Skills | Dr. Dhanuka Bandara Dr Kalugampitiya NM Ms Marasinghe S. |
Approved |
SWK1001E | Introduction to Social Work | Dr Gamlath Sarathchandra Dr Thoradeniya WMSMK |
Approved |
MGT1011T | Business Environment | Mr. A. Mithurshan Ms Shiromy A.S. |
Approved |
MGT1011S | Business Environment | Ms Kuruppu K.A.D.T.D. K K Narmada Ms. J.A.P.L Thushari |
Approved |
MGT1011E | Business Environment | Ms Senavirathne Y.Y. Ms Shiromy A.S. Ms. J.A.P.L Thushari |
Approved |
SOC1001T | Introduction to Sociology and Social Anthropology | Ms Rizmina MRF Dr Thoradeniya WMSMK |
Approved |
SOC1001E | Introduction to Sociology and Social Anthropology | Dr Seelagama P. K. Dr Thoradeniya WMSMK |
Approved |
SOC1001S | Introduction to Sociology and Social Anthropology | Dr Seelagama P. K. Dr Thoradeniya WMSMK |
Approved |
PSY1003E | Introduction to Psychology | Dr Kanthilatha H.G. Dr Shadina Ali Usoof R |
Approved |
PSY1003S | Introduction to Psychology | Ms. N.D. Munasinghe Dr Shadina Ali Usoof R |
Approved |
GIS1002E | Basic Statistic | Dr Masakorala PP | Approved |
GIS1001E | Introductory Cartography | Dr Masakorala PP | Approved |
GGY1003T | Fundamentals of Physical Geography | Prof Bandara T.W.M.T.W. Prof Hewawasam Tilak Dr Isthikar Aariff M.A.M. Mr Razik MSM Mr Wickramasooriya AK |
Approved |
GGY1003E | Fundamentals of Physical Geography | Prof Bandara T.W.M.T.W. Prof Hewawasam Tilak Dr Isthikar Aariff M.A.M. Mr Razik MSM |
Approved |
GGY1003S | Fundamentals of Physical Geography | Prof Bandara T.W.M.T.W. Prof Hewawasam Tilak Dr Isthikar Aariff M.A.M. Mr Razik MSM Mr Wickramasooriya AK |
Approved |
ISS1001T | Fundamentals of Islamic Civilization | Mr. G.G.J.W. Ahamed Mr. K.M.M. Azam Mrs. U.L.F. Rifna Mr Yaseer MAM |
Approved |
ISS1001E | Fundamentals of Islamic Civilization | Mr. G.G.J.W. Ahamed Mr. K.M.M. Azam Mrs. U.L.F. Rifna Mr Yaseer MAM Prof Saleem M.S.M. |
Approved |
HIS1001S | A Survey of Sri Lankan History up to the 16th Century AD | Prof Wimalasena NA | Approved |
ARS1001E | Arabic Language and Literature | Mr Haniffa MLM Mr Yaseer MAM |
Approved |
ELA1101E | Basic English for Humanities and Social Sciences | A.M.S.D. Alweera Prof Pushpa Vitharana |
Approved |
PSC1001E | Introduction to Political Science | Prof Abeyrathna Upul N Kaushi |
Approved |
PSC1001T | Introduction to Political Science | Prof Abeyrathna Upul Mr Ihjas MM |
Approved |
PSC1001S | Introduction to Political Science | Prof Abeyrathna Upul N Kaushi |
Approved |
ARS1001T | Arabic Language and Literature | Mr Haniffa MLM Mr Yaseer MAM |
Approved |
ACL1001E | Introductory Archaeology I | Prof Chandraratne R.M.M. Dr Jinadasa Uditha Ms Embuldeniya Piyumi Dr Rajapakse A.S.T. Prof Rambukwella MWCNK |
Approved |
GRS1001E | Ancient Greek Life and Culture | Dr. V. Edirisinghe Dr. Ruwantha Kulatunga |
Approved |
SKT1001S | Introduction to Sanskrit Language and Literature – I | Dr. Ruwantha Kulatunga Ven M. Seelarathana Ven. H. Uparathana |
Approved |
News & Updates | Today

Online Subject Registration – 2023/2024 Academic YearFirst Semester
Please refer the following web URL for online subject registration on or before 13th October 2024 (including Add / Drop Courses during the period from 14.10.2024 - 20.10.2024). No one will be allowed to endorse the record book without the payment receipt. The receipt of first semester payment of Rs.500.00 should be submitted and the registered subjects should be recorded in the student record book. You will be informed of the date in due course.(Above tasks is mandatory for appearing siting examinations)

Provision for Re – Scrutinizing of Marks & Grades of Undergraduates of Second Semester Examinations
Application forms for the verification of results are now available on the Web Site & the Office of the Dean of Arts. A payment of Rs. 500/= per subject is charged for verification of Marks & Grades. Duly filled application forms and payment receipts should be handed over/ posted to the Deputy Registrar of the Faculty of Arts on or before 20th October 2024. As per UGC Circular 978, the Results Verification Board should proceed to check the accuracy of the addition, computation, and transcription of results (ACT Verification).

Notice to All Students(1000, 2000, 3000 & 4000 Levels)
Academic work of the First Semester of 2023/2024 Academic Year will be started on 30th September 2024. Lecture time table is uploaded to the Faculty website (www.arts.pdn.ac.lk).