
Department of English

Faculty of Arts - University of Peradeniya

Postgraduate Programme

Postgraduate Diploma in English

ENG 501: Introduction to Critical and Cultural Theory
ENG 502: Introduction to the Study of Language I
ENG 503: An Introduction to the Study of Language II
ENG 504: Theories of Language Acquisition/Learning
ENG 505: Shakespeare Our Contemporary
ENG 506: An Introduction to the Postcolonial Literatures in English
ENG 507: Literatures of South Asia: Thematic Approaches
ENG 508: Drama and Performance: The Theatre of Our Times
ENG 509: Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation
ENG 510: An Introduction to Twentieth-Century British and American Poetry

Master of Arts/Master of Philosophy in English

ENG 601: An Introduction to Select Critical Strategies and Research Methodologies in the Study of Language and Literature
ENG 602: Advanced Critical Theory and Practice
ENG 603: Modernity, Its Discontents and Discontinuities
ENG 604: An Introduction to the Study of Semantics and Pragmatics
ENG 605: Bilingualism
ENG 606: An Introduction to the Study of Systemic Functional Grammar
ENG 607: English Language Learning/Teaching: Theory and Practice
ENG 608: Learning/ Teaching English in ‘New Englishes’ Contexts
ENG 609: Up from Slavery: African American Writing across the Ages
ENG 610: The Sri Lankan Novel of Expatriation
ENG 611: Narrating the Nation: The Contemporary South Asian Novel and the Nation
ENG 612: Women’s Fiction in English after 1800
ENG 613: Twentieth and Twenty First Century English Fiction of India: Major Writers, Themes, and Issues
ENG 614: Sri Lankan Literature in English and Its Contexts
ENG 615: The Writing of Empire: A Textual Study of the Contours of European Colonialism