
Department of Archaeology

University of Peradeniya

Prof. JMA Jayawickreme

Professor in Economics

  •    Department of Economics & Statistics
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Doctor of Philosophy

National University of Singapore

December, 2006

Thesis: Master of Arts

Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand

May, 1999

BA (Hons.) Economics

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

April, 1995

Current Positions

Acting Head - Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

2021 - To Present

Professor in Economics - Department of Economics & Statistics University of Peradeniya

2014 - To Present

Positions Held

Postgraduate Programme Coordinator - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya

2008 - 2013

Chairman - Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya


Founding Director - Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (PGIHS), University of Peradeniya

2015 -2021

Visiting Lecturer - Department of Social Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka


Project Director - Singapore Centre for Applied and Policy Economics (SCAPE), National University of Singapore


Senior Lecturer - University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, University of Peradeniya.

2002 - 2014

Lecturer - University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Development Economist - International Labour Office, Bangkok, Thailand.


Assistant Lecturer - Department of Economics & Statistics, University of Peradeniya



Hiran Tillekeratne Research Fund Award for Outstanding Postgraduate Research in Economics for PhD thesis on “Essays on fiscal sustainability and tax smoothing, and fiscal policy simulation experiments for Sri Lanka” - University Grants Commission, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


NUS Research Scholarship- Ph. D. Degree Programme - National University of Singapore

2002- 2006

Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Programme (ADB-JSP) Research Scholarship - M.A. Degree Programme - Thammasat University Bangkok, Thailand


P. D. Khan Gold Medal for Economics, B. A. Degree - UOP, Sri Lanka


K. Kanaganayagam Prize for Best Student in Economics, B. A. Degree - UOP, Sri Lanka


University Scholarship for First Class Honours in Economics, B. A. Degree - UOP, Sri Lanka




Jayawickreme, J.M.A. & Abeysinghe, T. (2013) “A segmented trend model to assess fiscal sustainability: The US experience 1929-2009”). Empirical Economics 44(3), pp. 1129-1141.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2013) “The experience of some OECD countries on tax smoothing” (with Tilak Abeysinghe) Applied Economics, Vol. 45. No. 16 (June) pp. 2305-2313.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2010), “Trade linkages between China, India and Singapore: changing comparative advantage of industrial products” (with Shandre Thangavelu), Journal of Economic Studies 37(3): pp. 248-266.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2009), “Modelling trade sector and trade shocks in a small open economy”. South Asia Economic Journal 10(1): pp. 81-104.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2008). “Singapore’s recurrent budget surplus: The role of conservative growth forecasts” (with Tilak Abeysinghe). Journal of Asian Economics 19(2) April: pp.117-124.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2008) “An examination of the resilience of Sri Lanka’s tax system”. South Asia Economic Journal 9(2):351-374.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2012), “Singapore’s direct investment links with Sri Lanka: past experience and future prospects” (with Tilak Abeysinghe)In R.B. Rana (ed.) Renaissance of Asia: Evolving economic relations between South Asia and East Asia. World Scientific.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2012). “Textile and clothing industry in Sri Lanka” (with Shandre Thangavelu) In Christopher Findlay (ed.) ASEAN +1 FTAs and global value chain in East Asia. (Research Report). Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia-ERIA.

http://www.eria.org/publications/research_project_reports/images/pdf/y2010/no29/ FY_2010_ERIA_RPR_No.29_All_file.pdf


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2020). “The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Sri Lanka’s Economy: How does it affect import and export trade?”, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3(2): 67-94.

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2019). “Loss of Corporate Income Tax revenue due to exemptions: An analysis based on company tax returns (with K.K.S. Hettiarachchi), Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2(2): 56-74.

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2018). “An analysis of compliance and policy gaps in Nation Building Tax in Sri Lanka” (with K.K.S. Hettiarachchi), Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1(2): 31-48.

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2012), “Post-reform public finance management of Sri Lanka: Problems and prospects” In Saman Kelegama and Dileni Gunewardena (eds.) Economic and social development under a market economy regime in Sri Lanka: Buddhadasa Hewavitharana Felicitation Volume I. Colombo. Vijitha Yapa Publications.pp. 395-428.

http://www.gbv.de/dms/zbw/72113985X.pdf . http://www.arts.pdn.ac.lk/econ/EconWorkingPapers.html

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2011). “Simulation experiments for public spending policies in Sri Lanka”. Modern Sri Lanka Studies III(1), pp. 55-76 (published by University of Peradeniya).

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2010). “The impact of fertilizer subsidy on paddy production.” (with T.N.W. Sudarshani). Prathibha. Department of Sociology. University of Ruhana. Sri Lanka.

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2008) “Sense and nonsense of rice price controls in Sri Lanka” (with O.G. Dayaratna-Banda, M.B. Ranathilaka), The Peradeniya Journal of Economics 2 (1&2): pp. 61-88.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2008). “Macroeconomic modelling: Past experience and future prospects” The Peradeniya Journal of Economics 1(1&2):pp.75-103.


Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2008). “Sri Lanka’s fiscal policy in the liberalized economy” In O.G. Dayaratna-Banda, J.M. Ananda Jayawickrama, Anoma Abhayaratne and M. B. Ranatilaka (eds.) Sri Lankan Economy: Liberalization and Development. Colombo. Pathfinder Foundation.pp. 7-28.

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2006). “Capital stock and labour market data estimates for Sri Lanka”. Sri Lanka Economic Journal 7(1&2): pp.51-69.

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2004). “Fiscal policy sustainability: Evidence from Sri Lanka”. Sri Lanka Economic Journal 5(2): pp. 51-69.

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2001). “Economic growth and free trade nexus”. Samajeeya Vidya Vimarshana (August): pp.141-158. (published in Sinhala).

Jayawickreme, J.M.A. (2000). “Sri Lanka’s labour exports: Performance and prospects”, Samajeeya Vidya Vimarshana (April): pp. 108-127. (published in Sinhala).



Research Interests

Macro-econometric Modelling, Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation, Optimal Fiscal Policy, Taxation and Tax Policies, Role of Government in the Economy, Unconventional Monetary Policies, Time Series Econometrics, Applied Economic Issues, Political Economics and Public Policy Issues

Other Academic Contributions

Researcher, National Language Policy Project, National Language Foundation-PGIHS, From March 2022

Consultant, Project to Prepare Vocational Education and Training Plan for the Central Province of Sri Lanka, Commissioned Project by Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission, Ministry of Skills Development and Youth Affairs, Sri Lanka: Period May 2013 to Feb. 2014

Statistical Consultant. The Project on Subaltern Perspectives on State Reforms to solve Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka. International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2009-2010

Leading Researcher. The Project on ASEAN +1 FTAs and global value chain in East Asia: Textile and clothing industry in Sri Lanka. Funded by Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Adelaide Research Institute, Australia. 2010-2011

Leading Researcher: The Project on the Development of Labour Market Indicators for South Asian and East Asian Countries, funded by International Labour Office, Bangkok, Thailand. 1999

Leading Researcher. The Project on Singapore FDI industries in Sri Lanka: Contribution of output, employment and skills transfer. Funded by National University of Singapore 2006.