
Department of Archaeology

University of Peradeniya

Prof. R.M.M. Chandraratne


BA (Hons) (Perad), MA (Poona), Ph.D. (Pune), FSLCA

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About Me

R.M.M. Chandraratne, professor in Archaeology, holds a doctorate in archaeology from the University of Pune and completed a Masters from the University of Poona and a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors in Archaeology from the University of Peradeniya. He had scholarships from the Ford Foundation for the Master’s and doctoral degrees and has been awarded a South-Asia Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship to the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London. Afterwards he was an Academic staff visitor, the University of Turku, Finland and had a Postdoctoral Scholarship to Dept. of Geology (the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) at the University of Turku, Finland under the Erasmus Mundus Action II. He takes part in teaching and research on archaeology having multidisciplinary nature and contributes several publications.


B.A. (Hon.)

University of Peradeniya



University of Poona



University of Pune


Current Positions

Professor in Archaeology - University of Peradeniya

2015 - To Present

Positions Held

Head, Department of Archaeology - University of Peradeniya

2016 - 2019

Programme Reviewer (Chairman of the Committee) - Appointed by the University Grant Commission for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cluster 1. Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

- 2017

Programme Reviewer (Committee member) - Appointed by the University Grant Commission for the Faculty of Humanities, Cluster 4. University of Kelaniya.


Programme Reviewer (Committee member) - Appointed by the University Grant Commission for the Faculty of Arts, Cluster D. University of Colombo.


Senior Lecturer (Gr. I) in Archaeology - University of Peradeniya

2005 - 2015

Senior coordinator (in Archaeology) - for DAAD Landscape archaeology programme (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany & University of Peradeniya)

2014 - 2017

Course Coordinator - for the Postgraduate Programme in Archaeology, Postgraduate Unit, Faculty of Arts

2003 - 2006

Course Unit Coordinator (undergraduate Programme) - for the Dept. of Archaeology

1999 - 2005

The secretary. - for the Art Council, University of Peradeniya


Senior Treasurer - for the Archaeological Society, University of Peradeniya.

1999 - 2003

1999- 2005 Senior Lecturer, (Gr.II) in Archaeology, - University of Peradeniya

1999 - 2005

Visiting Lecturer - Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya

1992 - 1995

Visiting Lecturer - Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya


Visiting Lecturer - Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ruhuna,

2000 - 2002

Visiting Lecturer - Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ruhuna,

2005 - 2006

Visiting Lecturer - Dept. of Geology, (Minor Subject Archaeology) Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya

1997 - 1998

Lecturer in Archaeology - University of Peradeniya,

1990 - 1999

Research Assistant - Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya.

1989 - 1990

Visiting Lecturer - Dept. of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya

1989 - 1990


Fellow - the Sri Lanka Councils of Archaeologists (FSLCA)

Member - the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)

Member (life) - the Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS)

Member - the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (RS)

Member - the Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science (SLAAS)


Scholarship. - from the Ford Foundation for the Master degree programme at the University of Poona.


Scholarship - the University Grant Commission (PGIAR) and Ford Foundation for the Doctoral research at the University of Pune. Pune, India.


Visiting Postdoctoral South-Asia Fellowship on Environmental Archaeology: - The Institute of Archaeology, University College (UCL), University of London.


Scholarship - Academic staff visitor - under the Erasmus Mundus Action II (Project Exchange by Promoting Quality Education, Research, and Training South Asia (EXPERT) coordinated by the University of Gottingen, Germany) to the University of Turku, Finland,


Postdoctoral Scholarship - under the Erasmus Mundus Action II coordinated by the University of Montpellier, France (PANACEA) to the University of Turku, Finland.


Postdoctoral visitor - to the Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, Berlin under the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).




Chandraratne, R.M.M. 1998. A study of subsistence pattern based on faunal remains from the Citadel of Anuradhapura Excavations, Sri Lanka (circa 900 BC-700 AD); Pune University, Pune.



Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2005. Identification of Ancient Cattle Breeds in Sri Lanka (800 BC-700AD). Essays in Archaeology, in hounor of Prof. H.T. Basnayeke. P. G. and R. Coningham (Eds.). Godage International Publishers, Colombo. Pp. 158-169

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2015. Medarata Prag -Itihasaya ((in Sinhala. Prehistory of Central Province). In Medarata Vamsaya (Prof. Rev. H. Dheerananda Thero and Prof. H.M.D.R Herath (eds.) Published by the Central Provincial Council, pp. 334-556. (ISBN NO 978-955-0562-03-9).

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2015. Anuradhapura sanskrutiyen pilibmbu vana minisa saha satva visesha atara wu sambandhatava. In Eksiya Visi Pas Wasaraka Piyasathan (in Sinhala, pura vidhya sastriya Sangrahaya) Senarath Dissanayeke and Rev. P. Gnanaloka thero. (Eds). Published by the Archaeological Department and State Ministry of Cultural Affairs. pp.79-83. (ISBN 978-955-9159-96-4).

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2012. Prag –Itihasaya (in Sinhala, Prehistory) in Sri Lankeya Itihasaya (Sri Lankan History), W.M.K. Wijetunga and W.I, Siriweera (eds) Vol. I. Chapter II. M.D. Gunasena & Company Ltd, Colombo. pp. 21-42 (ISBN 978-21-1965-1).

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2010. Dalada Vahanse Ashritha Parasarika Itihasaya, Pujaniya Dalanda Sanskrutiya (in Sinhala, History of Environment in relation to the Tooth Relic) H.M.D.R. Herath (ed.) A Publication of Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, Animal Production, Youth Affairs, Agrarian Services and Fisheries, Central Provincial Council, pp. 58-65.


Chandraratne, R.M.M. 1997. Some Reptile bones from the Gedige Excavation in 1985, the Citadel of Anuradhapura. Lyriocephalus Journal of Amphibia and Reptile Research Organization of Sri Lanka, 3(2): 7-15 (ISSN 1391-0833).


Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2016. Some Ethno-archaeological observations on the subsistence strategies of the Veddas. Social Affairs: A Journal for the Social Sciences, 2016, 33 -44 Vol. I, No1. (ISSN 2362-0889, E-ISSN: 2478-107X).


Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2015. Faunal Remains from the Gedige Excavation in 1985. Ancient Ceylon, Journal of the Department of Archaeology, Sri Lanka, No 24: 1-13 (ISSN 1800-0984).


Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2017. THE ORIGIN, DEVELOPMENT, AND CURRENT PERSPECTIVES ON ARCHAEOLOGY. Social Affairs: A Journal for the Social Sciences, 2017, Vol. I, No7. (ISSN 2362-0889, E-ISSN: 2478-107X). pp 56-68.


Buddisha Weerasuriya and R.M.M. Chandraratne. 2023. The Role of Archaeomalacological Research in Sri Lanka: A Synthesis. Ancient Lanka, Vol. 2.


Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2001. Sri Lankaven wandavi giya gavara (Bos gavarus) : Anuradhapura etulu purayen lebena gavara asthi pilibanda nava viśleshanayak (Extinct Gaur (Bos gaurus) from Sri Lanka: an interpretation on osteological evidence from the Citadel of Anuradhapura ), Sambhavana, Vol. 2 (1): 55-74. (ISSN 2465-6410).

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2009. Manavavamsa puravidhya adhyana krmavedayan bhavitayen parani Sanskrutin pratinirmanya (Reconstruction of Ancient cultures through Ethno-Archaeological Methods) Alternative Archaeology. Archaeological Society, University of Peradeniya. pp. 35-42.

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2006. The Distributional pattern of Ancient Human Beings in Sri Lanka and Southern India, (in Sinhala) Alternative Archaeology. Archaeological Society, University of Peradeniya. pp.75-80.

Chandraratne, R.M.M., and D. C. Ranaweera, 2016. Narammala Rukmale gramaya ashrita sampradaika kumbal Karmantaya). (The traditional pottery industry of the Rukmale village at Narammala) Sangna, signs; Department of Fine Arts, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Vol. I (I): 121-142 (ISSN 2449-199).

de Silva, Anslem., R. M. M. Chandraratne, et al. 2005 Some archaeological monuments and Traditions of North East knuckles. Lyriocephalus, Vol. 6 (1&2): 197-200. ISSN 1391-0833).

de Silva, Anslem, S. Goonewardene & R.M.M. Chandraratne. 2005. A possible burial site with rock carving from the Knuckles Massif. Lyriocephalus. Vol. 6 (1&2): 193-194. (ISSN 1391-0833).

de Silva, Anslem, R. M. M. Chandraratne et al. 2005. Evidence of Prehistoric Cave Dwellers Inhabiting the Knuckles Massif: Preliminary Archaeological Findings. Lyriocephalus, Vol. 6 (1& 2): 185-190. (ISSN 1391-0833).


Chandraratne, R.M.M. 1990. The begging bowls with Reference to the Vinaya Literature. The International conference on towards the second century of Archaeology in Sri Lanka, 1990. Colombo. Ancient Ceylon, No 9: 13-17. (ISSN 1800-0984).


Ranaweera, K.K.D.C., R.M.M. Chandraratne, and H.A.H. Jayasena. 2012. Reconstruction of Palaeo-environment through Pleistocene deposits in North-west Sri Lanka. Research articles and abstracts. S. Kotagama et al. (eds.) Palaeo-biodiversity conference 2012, Wisumpaya, Colombo, Central Cultural Fund. pp. 110-127.

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2010. Knuckles kandukarayen hamuvana prag eythihasika toraturu: Dotulugala len dekkak pilibanda mulika gaveshanayak, (Prehistoric evidence found at the Knuckles Range: Preliminary exploration on two caves at Dotulugala) paper presented at the National Archaeological Symposium, 28-29th July 2005 SLFI, Colombo 7. (Rev. K. Jinaratana, editor, Abhinandana Šastriya Sangraya of Vilapitiye Gnanavamsa Anunayeka Thera). pp. 133-140

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2012. Some Aspects of the Early Iron Age Animal Husbandry in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (in Life Style of Jaffna) Paper presented at the International Conference Lifestyle, Dept. of History, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka and Sept. 25-26, 2011. P. Pushparatnam (ed.) printed and published by Kalakesaari, Express Newspapers (Ceylon) (PVT), and LTD Colombo 14, Sri Lanka. Pp.391-401.

Chandraratne, R.M.M. and Dilan Ranaweera. 2017. Historical Archaeology at the Somavathiya Sacred Area in North Central Province, Sri Lanka. In S. Garg, Archaeology of Buddhism: Recent Discoveries in South Asia (pp. 545-556). New Delhi, India: Manohar Books.



Llorenç Picornell-Gelabert, Aitor Burguet-Coca, Canisius J. Kayombo, R.M.M. Chandraratne, Ethel Allué. 2024. Ethnoarchaeology of Firewood and Fuel-related practices presented at the International Conference on the Ethnoarchaeology of Livelihood Practices in Barcelona from the 16th to the 18th of October 2024.

Rajapakse, A. and R.M.M.Chandraratne. 2023. The Distribution of Prehistoric Sites in the Central Highland with Special Reference to Sindurankanda, Udunuwara, Sri Lanka. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions: iPUESE-2023. 20th- 21st September 2023. Proceedings. Vol. 24. (Abstract), pp. 296.

Rajapakse, A. R.M.M. Chandraratne, D.K. Jayaratne, S.K.N. Menike, U. Jinadasa, P. Embuldeniya. 2023. A Study of Continuity and Transformation of Archaeo-historical Context of Sindurankanda and its Hinterland. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions: iPUESE – 2023. 20th - 21st September 2023. Proceedings Vol. 24. (Abstract), pp. 297.

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2005. Horse Remains from the Jetavana Pilimage Excavation Central Cultural Fund Anuradhapura. Annual Research Sessions: Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, and 10th November. 2005 (PURSE 2005, Vol. 10. Abstract: p. 35)

Chandraratne, R.M.M., Dilan Ranaweera, and H.A.H. Jayasena. 2012. Preliminary investigations on Geo-archaeology and Palaeo-environment in Welimada basin and Horton plains in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Technical sessions. “BUILDING ON SAFE LANDS” Geological Society of Sri Lanka (GSSL), 24th, February 2012. Sri Lanka Foundation Institute (SLFI), Abstract Vol: R.L.K. Perera and Athula Senaratne (eds.), pp. 18

Chandraratne, R.M.M. 2015. Zoo-archaeological remains from the Welimaluwa Excavation of the Jetavana Stupa in 2003 Proceedings, Peradeniya. University International Research Sessions (iPUESE – 2015). 5th - 6th November 2015. Vol. 19. (Abstract), pp. 425.

Chandraratne, R.M.M., K.K.D.C. Ranaweera and H.A.H. Jayasena. 2011. Evidence for Post Polonnaruwa Period Socio-technical Impacts: A study based on cultural and flood deposits at Somawathiya in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the International Association for Asian Heritage (IAAH), first Biennial Conference11): 7-8 April 2011. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Abstract Volume, pp. 24.

Ranaweera, K.K.D.C., R.M.M. Chandraratne, and H.A.H. Jayasena. 2010. Reconstruction of upper Pleistocene Environment: a case study based on gravel terraces in the North-Western Province. Paper presented at the Society of South Asia Archaeology: 3rd International Congress for South Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya. Sri Lanka Abstract Volume, pp. 105


Palaeo-biodiversity conference Proceedingson the occasion of the 39th Commemoration of Dr. P.E.P. Deraniyagala (Research articles) 2012 - (Editors:. S. Kotagama, .... R.M.M. Chandraratne et all.)


Settlement Archaeological Project (SAREC)

Chandraratne, R.M.M. A study of faunal remains from the cave site of Aligala, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

Bandaranaike International Conference Hall (BMICH), Colombo.

8th November 1989

National Archaeological Congress

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Faunal remains from the Sigiriya -Dambulla Region

SLFI, Colombo.

4th-6th July 1990

Conservation and Management of Ritigala Kanda and Horton Plains

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Archaeological explorations at Horton Plains

The Natural Resources, Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka

6th-10th August 1990

Comparative Studies in Landscape Archaeology

Chandraratne, R.M.M. The relationship between man and animals circa 800-100 B.C. Gedige excavations: Anuradhapura Sri Lanka

BMICH, Colombo

April 18-20, 1994

World Archaeological Congress 3

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Role of Natural Sciences in Current Sri Lankan Archaeology

Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi

4th -11th December 1994

Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies XXIV Annual Conference

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Faunal remains from the Salgaha Watta excavation in 1987/88, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka: a Preliminary Report

Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi 110016 India

24-26 November 1996


Chandraratne, R.M.M. A Preliminary Study of Human Osteological Remains from the Archaeology of Early Iron Age Memorial Site

University of Peradeniya

4th December 1997.

6th Sri Lanka Studies Conference,

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Understanding the subsistence pattern of early Iron Age: Archaeo-zoological evidence from the 1987 Salgaha Watta Excavation, Citadel of the Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.

Hotel Tourmaline, Kandy, Sri Lanka

9th August 1997

Dual Congress International Association for the Study of Human Palaeontology (IASHP) and International Association of the Human Biologists (IAHB)

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Food economy of the Early Iron Age: Sri Lanka

Sun City, Johannesburg, South Africa.

28th June to 3rd July. 1998

The International Conference of Indian Archaeological Society, Indian History & Culture Socials, Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies and Recent Archaeological Achievements in India.

Chandraratne, R.M.M. The Somavathiya Excavation- 2010: A preliminary observation

University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India

December 28th-30, 2010

SAARC International Conference on Archaeology of Buddhism

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Role of Buddhist Archaeology after the Independence of Sri Lanka

SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo,

22-24 August 2012

Seminar in Bio-archaeology

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Prehistoric and Early Iron Age Food Culture of Sri Lanka

Seminar Room Faculty of Arts, the University of Peradeniya, jointly organized by Dept. of Archaeology and Dept. of Basic Sciences, Dental Faculty, University of Peradeniya; and Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Sri Lanka Bio-Cultural Anthropology Field School, Mount Royal University, Canada.

May 18, 2018

13th International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) International Conference

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Interactions between human and cattle during the early iron age in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.

2nd-7th September 2018

International Conference on “Archaeozoology Meets Archaeometry" under the 13th Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)

Chandraratne, R.M.M. An analysis of the worked bones from the Citadel of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Department of Anthropology, University of Montréal, Canada

07th -12th October 2019

Academic Dependency and Indigenous Knowledge: The Role of Social Sciences

Practices of Indigenous Knowledge among the Vedda Community in Sri Lanka

Senate Room, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

12-14, December 2019

The National Archaeological Symposium

Chandraratne, R.M.M. Zooarchaeology and Heritage Management

SLFI, Colombo 7

8th July 2020 SLFI, Colombo 7



Prehistoric Archaeology

Archaeology with Archaeo-zoology

Environmental Archaeology


ACL 1002 - Introductory Archaeology II (sharing with other lectures, 7 topics))


To Present

ACL 2001 - Palaeohuman Biology and Ethnoarchaeology


To Present

ACL 3010 - Bio-archaeology


To Present

ACL 402/4002 - World Prehistory


To Present

ACL 405 - Prehistory of Sri Lanka


To Present

ACL 406 - Early Iron Age Archaeology of Sri Lanka: the Formative Period


2021 - 2022

ACL 2002 - Socio-economic History of Ancient India


2020 - 2021

ACL 2006 - Formation of Ancient Civilizations


2020 - 2021

ACL 2007 - Socio-economic History of Ancient Sri Lanka


2020 - 2021

ACL 303/3003 - The Built Environment of Ancient India


2020 - 2021

ACL 306/3006 - The Built Environment of Ancient Sri Lanka


2020 - 2021

Research Interests

Prehistoric Archeology




Early Historic archaeology

Research Grants Received

obtained five research grants

Other Academic Contributions

Supervisor for M.Phil. Dissertation (Reg. No: PGIHS/ MPhil/17/18/80), Title of Thesis: “An Archaeological Analysis on the Socio-Political Discourse of Elites and Monks Depicted in Buddhist Temple Painting Contexts of the Kandyan Tradition” Effective date: 21st January 2023.

Supervisor for M.Phil. Dissertation (Reg. No: MA/M.Phil/10/11/011), Topic: Reconstruction of Palaeo-Environment in the Jetavanarama Archaeological Site (Completed). Effective date: 31 August, 2016.

Co-Supervisor for M.Phil. Dissertation (Reg. No: MA/M.Phil/01/02/230), Topic: A study of Resource Development in the Underwater Archaeological Field in Sri Lanka with Special Reverence to the Galle Archaeological Site (Completed). Effective date: 2nd April, 2015.

Co-Supervisor for M.Phil. Dissertation (Reg. No: MA/M.Phil. /09/10/060) Topic: A Study of the Development of Sri Lankan Buddhist Institutions based on the Inscriptions from 3rd Century B.C. to 5th Century A.D. (Completed). Effective date: 26th August, 2014.

2010 Conducted an excavation at the Somawatiya Rajamaha Vihara area

2009 Carried out an exploration: Jointly with Prof. H.A.H. Jayasena, Dept. of Geology in the North-Western Province, Sri Lanka.

2005 Conducted archaeological and herpetological explorations at the Knuckles range with Dr. Anslem de Silva.