Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies
The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the University of Peradeniya offer the Certificate in Buddhist Studies Course as an extension course. This course is intended to cater to the needs of the following:
1. Those who desire to improve their knowledge and understanding of Buddhism, but who are unable to join the university as its full-time students.
2. Dhamma teachers in government schools, Sunday schools and other institutes of dhamma education who wish to acquire a clearer understanding of Buddhist history and culture and the fundamental teachings of Buddhism.
3. Local and foreign students who wish to pursue Buddhist studies as part of a liberal arts education.
Course Description
1. Theravada Buddhism: Basic Doctrines
The course will be based mainly on the teachings of the Pali Nikayas and will focus attention on topics such as the Buddha's search for the meaning of life and the significance of his enlightenment; the Buddha's analysis of world-views; the Buddha's analysis of the means of knowledge and the concept of truth; the analysis of the human condition: the three characteristics of existence, dependent co-arising, intentionalactions and rebirth; the nature of the ultimate goal of Buddhism in comparison with other religious and philosophical views about desirable human goals. In the study of these topics attention will be paid to the pre-Buddhist religious and philosophical background.
2. Elementary Pali Grammar and Translation
The aim of this course is to teach the elementary level of Pali grammar and translation so that at the end of the course students will be able to read, understand, and translate simple Pali sutta passages. The course consists of teaching such grammatical topics as the Pali alphabet, pronunciation, parts of speech, genders, numbers, cases, declension of nouns, conjugation of verbs, tenses, adjectives, adverbs, infinitives, pronouns, numerals, and syntax. Throughout the course students will practice in class pronunciation and translation of selected simple sutta passages.
3. Buddhism and Society
This course will introduce the student to the Buddhist teaching on the nature, origin and evolution of society; the Buddhist attitude to social divisions and the teachings relating to the oneness of the human race; economic and political life in society; law and social justice; analysis and resolution of social conflicts; social ethics and the family life; Social relevance of the path and the goal; Buddhist principles of social organization; Role of the Sangha in a Buddhist society.
4. Elements of Buddhist Culture
This course will focus attention on the distinctive characteristics of Buddhist culture and the role of Buddhism as a civilizing force; Buddhist ritual and its meaning and function; Buddhist ceremonies; forms of worship.
5. Buddhism and Mental Health
The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the therapeutic aspects of the psychological teachings of Buddhism. Attention will be focussed on the distinction made in Buddhism between bodily and mental disease. The student will be introduced to the basic techniques in Buddhism that could be applied in the management and overcoming of psychological tensions and stresses in daily life through the cultivation of self-knowledge, self-awareness and mindfulness. Attention will be paid to the significance of Buddhist teachings for purposes of psychological counseling.
Buddhist Ethics
The objective of this course is to give the student an understanding of the ethical values of Buddhism; the Buddhist concept of the good life; the ground for the distinction between moral virtues and vices; the criteria for making the distinction between good and bad, right and wrong; the place accorded in Buddhism to ethical values in individual and social life.
Examination and Scheme of Evaluation
An examination will be held at the end of the academic year in each of the prescribed courses. Students are required to obtain a minimum of forty marks to pass any course. The minimum requirement for a student to pass the examination is to obtain pass marks in at least five courses with an average of forty marks in all courses offered, with not less than 30 marks for the failed subject.
Students who pass the examination will be awarded a certificate for the successful completion of Certificate in Buddhist Studies.
Certificate Course in Pali Language
Casual Students (specially arranged)