Greek Vase Paintings
Prof. Chandima Wickramasinghe (WMWGCSM Wickramasinghe)

Prof. W.M.W.G.C.S.M. Wickramasinghe


B.A, Ph.D

  •    Department of Classical Languages
  • Click to show phone number



Nottingham, UK





Positions Held

Professor - Dept. of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya

Senior Lecturer - Dept. of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya


Co-controller - The Education Depatment of the Sri Lanka

2007 - 2009

Lecturer - Dept. of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya

2004 - 2009

Senior student consellor - Faculty of Arts


Seminar Tutor - Dept. of Classics, University of Nottingham, UK

2000 - 2002

Temporary Lecturer - Dept. of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya

1998 - 2000

French Teacher - Alliance Francaise, Kandy

1995 - 2000

English Instructor - English Language Teaching Unit, University of Peradeniya


French & Italian Interpreter - Premadasa and Co. (Jewelers) Ltd. Mulgampola

1992 - 1994


State Literary Award for the best drama translated to Sinhala for Euripides’ Alkestis - ,


Fulbright Advanced Research Award - University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

2009 - 2010

International Center for The Study of History of Slavery Scholarship -

2001 - 2003

International Office Scholarship, University of Nottingham -

2001 - 2003

Education Ministry Greece Scholarship - The Education Ministry


Education Ministry Greece Scholarship - The Education Ministry


University Scholarship - University of Peradeniya


Dr. George H. Wickramanayake Memorial Scholarship, University of Peradeniya -




Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M., (2013), "ගී‍්‍රක ආකයික මැටි බඳුන් සහ බඳුන් සිතුවම්: විස්තරාත්මක අධ්‍යයනයක් " Ancient Greek archaic vase and vase paintings, a detailed study with 255 illustrations"], 296 pages, Godage Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, Colombo, ISBN: 978 955 30 3966 8.


Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2016) "Periplus of the Erythraean Sea: a revisit to its aim and purpose based on the ethnographical and anthropological detail in the text". For the Piyaseeli Wijemanne Felicitation volume. Submitted to the editor in Dec. 2014.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2016) "A study of the temple work force in two slab inscriptions of Mahinda IV", in Essays on history, archaeology and foreign relations: festschrift for Prof. Pathmanadan, ed. by M. Somatilaka and N. A. Wimalasena, Colombo, 303-334

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2015) "The significance of children, Pheres, and Herakles in Euripides' Alcestis" Sahithya Special issue, (English Medium) edd. by H. Rambukwella and C. Amarasekara 2015: 31-47.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2013) "A Comparative Study on Mindfulness and Moral weakness in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and in Buddhist teachings". Great Compassion: Ven. Bootawatte Sri Saranankara Felicitation volume edds Ven. Udawatte Wimalabuddhi and Ven. Galle Dhamminda: 124-150. Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M.


Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2015) "The significance of the account of friendship (philia) in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.' Submitted to the editor the Sri Lanka Journal of Humanities in December 2015.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2015) - "බෞද්ධ ඉගැන්වීම්වල එන මිත්තතා සහ ඇරිස්ටොටල්ගේ නිකොමැකියානු ආචාරධර්මහි එන ෆීලියා පිළිබඳ තුලනාත්මක අධ්‍යයනයක්" tr. Mittata in Buddhist teachings and philia in Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics: a comparative study). submitted to the editor of සම්භාවනා April 2015.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2014) - "The key to a successful life: a comparative study on morality in Aristotelian ethics and that in Buddhist discourses". Sri Lanka International Journal of Buddhist Studies, vol. 3: 73-84.

"REPRESENTATION OF HOMERIC MYTHS IN ATTIC BLACK AND RED FIGURE VASE PAINTINGS"' Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions,18 Dec. 2008.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2013) "Marriage, the First Born Child and its significance on the status of women in Classical Athens". Sri Lanka Journal of Humanities. vol. 39 (1&2): 65-80.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2012) "Athenian marital life: a union of affection or of duty?" Sri Lanka Journal of Humanities. vol. 38 .1, 2012, 53-78.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2012) “සම්භාව්‍ය ඇතීනියානු කාන්තාව සහ ඇගේ සරු බව පිළිබඳව විමර්ශනාත්මක අධ්‍යයනයක්” (tr. An analytical study on Classical Athenian woman and her fertility) සම්භාවනා (July-Dec) vol. 6. 2: 21-51..

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2012) "Visual Representations of the Trojan War in Attic Clay Vases" Sri Lanka Journal of Humanities. vol. 37 (1&2): 55-68.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2011) "ඇරිස්ටොටලියානු ආචාරධර්ම සහ බෞද්ධ ආචාරධර්ම: තුලනාත්මක අධ්‍යයනයක්" (tr. Aristotelian ethics and Buddhist ethics: a comparative study) සම්භාවනා (July-Dec) vol.5.2: 87-105.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2011) "ප‍්‍රසන්න, එහෙත් වේදනාකාරී වූ ත්‍යාගයක්: යුරිපිඞීස්ගේ ඇල්කීස්ටිස් හි ඇපොලෝගෙන් ඇඞ්මීටස්ට ලැබුනු ත්‍යාගය පිළිබඳ අධ්‍යයනයක්". (tr. A pleasant but a painful gift: a study on Apollos' gift to Admetos in Euripides' Alkestis) සම්භාවනා (Jan-June) vol.5.1: 125-137.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2010) “The abolition of Colonial and pre-colonial 'slavery' from Ceylon (Sri Lanka)” Journal of Cultural and Social History, the Journal of the social history society, Liverpool, UK, vol. 7.3: 315-335

Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M. (2009) "The death of Alkestis in Euripides' Alkestis" The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities, vol. 35. 1&2: 45-53.


“Mindfulness in aristotle’s nichomachean ethics and in buddhist teachings”paper presented at the fourth Annual Conference of the Royal Asiatic Society Colombo Branch, held at Mahaweli Centre Colombo, March 25-26, 2011

“Configuration family in ancient athens: the significance of the first bornat Pillingar Lecture series held by the Dept. of Ancient History, University of Wisconsin- Madison, USA, April 29. 2010. During my stay as a Fulbright Research Scholar of the University of Wisconsin- Madison from November 2009- May 2010.

“Aristotlian ethics and buddhist ethicspaper presented at the 4th BI-Annual International Conference of Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies held at Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, Pallekele. December 10-12, 2010.

“Slavery in ancient sri lanka: the impact of buddhism and christianity" at the Pruit Memorial Symposium at the University of Baylor, 30 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2004 Waco, Texas, USA.

"Death of slavery in sri lanka" at the annual ISOS (Institute for the study of slavery) conference Sept. 2004 – University of Nottingham, UK.

"The condition of slaves in ancient greece and sri lanka" The Celtic Conference in Classics – 4-7 Sept. 2002 University of Glasgow, UK.

"Temple slavery in ancient greece and sri lanka: a comparison" Postgraduate Historians day March 2002 - University of London (New College), UK

"Ancient Greek and Sri Lankan manumission record: are they identical?" Post Graduate Seminar 30. Nov. 2001 –Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, London, UK

"Ancient Greek and Sri Lankan manumission inscriptions" Department of Classics Research Workshop 27. Nov. 2001 – University of Nottingham, UK.

"Sri Lankan slavery with a comparative perspective, Department of Classics Research Workshop 12. March. 2001 – University of Nottingham, UK.


Wickramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C.S.M., (2009) - "හැඳින්වීම සහ විවරණය සහිතව මුල් ගී‍්‍රක බසින් සිංහලට පරිවර්තිත යුරිපිඩීස්ගේ ඇල්කීස්ටිස් " tr. Euripides


"Female Slaves in Ancient Sri Lanka: Treatments and Punishments" ISOS (Institute for the Study of Slavery) conference 12-14 Sept.2002 University of Nottingham, UK.

The Revised Version of "the condition of slaves in ancient Greece and sri Lanka" in the Conference Booklet of the Centenary Conference and General Meeting of the Classical Association 11-14 April 2003 - University of Warwick, UK.

"Temple slavery in ancient Greece compared with that of an eastern community: ancient Sri Lanka" at the Annual Conference of the Classical Association April 2002 - University of Edinburgh, UK.

"The nature of apollo's gift to admetos in euripides' alkestis" Proceedings of the Faculty of Arts Postgraduate research Symposium, University of Peradeniya, March 1, 2008.

• "Euripides's alkestis 'a drama of a devoted wife?' " Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, 30. Nov. 2007.


Wckramasinghe, W.M.W.G.C. S.M. (2008) Philologos: Essays presented in felicitation of Merlin Peris, Emeritus Professor of Western Classics University of Peradeniya, Godage publishers (Pvt) Ltd: Colombo. ISBN: 955 20 9910 2.

Research Interests

Ancient Slavery

Greek and Roman social and cultural history

Greek art history

Greek philosophy

comparative history

Department of Classical Languages, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
0094 81 239 2524-6 |