Department of Economics & Statistics

Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

Prof. PPA Wasantha Athukorala

Professor in Economics

PhD (QUT), MPhil. (Peradeniya), BA (Peradeniya)

  •    Department of Economics & Statistics
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About Me

Wasantha Athukorala holds a Doctorate in Economics from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, as well as an MPhil and a B.A. (Honours) in Economics from the University of Peradeniya, where he served as a Professor of Economics. In addition, he has completed more than 20 short courses in various countries around the world, including the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, Thailand, India, Nepal, and Bhutan. His research focuses on Environmental Economics, Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, Transport Economics, and Sustainable Development. He has published over 50 research papers in prestigious national and international journals such as Energy Economics, Education Sciences, Empirical Economics, Land Use Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Journal of Forest Economics, Sustainable Cities and Society, The Singapore Economic Review, Journal of Agricultural Economics, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Hydrogeology Journal, Economic Analysis and Policy, Journal of Resources, Energy, and Development, Ecologies, and Journal of Smart Economic Growth. He is the co-author of five textbooks and the author of two. He has also authored eight book chapters and presented over 45 research papers at national and international conferences. Despite his broad research interests, he is particularly focused on empirical work related to development issues and has made several significant contributions in this area. His work has had, and continues to have, a significant impact on policy decisions in Sri Lanka. Wasantha Athukorala was named the Best Environmental Economist in Sri Lanka by the Global AD Scientific Index ( Given his overall research profile, he was categorized in the topmost research category (Tier 4*) by the University of Peradeniya in 2022. This is the highest honor (a lifetime award) given to a scholar in the country after evaluating their research contributions. He has served as a committee member for the preparation of various policy documents in Sri Lanka, with some of these committee members directly appointed by the Sri Lankan Presidential Office. He has also worked as a consultant on various projects funded by the ILO, UNDP, and the World Bank. He received two Presidential Awards for scientific publication in 2023. Currently, Wasantha Athukorala is the Director of the Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (PGIHS) at the University of Peradeniya.



Queensland University of Technology, Australia



PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


BA (Hons.) Economics

UOP, Sri Lanka


Current Positions

Director - Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (PGIHS), University of Peradeniya

2024 - To Present

Professor in Economics - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

December 2016 - To Present

Coordinator - Undergraduate Dissertation, - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya

2018 - 2024

Chairperson: Faculty Scholarship Committee - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

2023 - 2024

Chairperson: Faculty Research Committee - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

2023 - 2024

Positions Held

Senior Lecturer I - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

2015- 2016

Senior Lecturer II - Deartment of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Teaching Assistant - School of Economics and Finance, QUT Business School, Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Researcher - Institute of Policy Studies, Sri Lanka


Research Assistant - School of Economics and Finance, QUT Business School, Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Lecturer - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Lecturer (Temporary) - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Team member to prepare a policy document on the public sector investment efficiency committee in Sri Lanka - Development and Special Project Section, President Office , Sri Lanka

2016 - To Present

Team member to prepare a policy document on environmental issues in Sri Lanka - Development and Special Project Section, President Office , Sri Lanka


Co-coordinator of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE) 2021 - University of Peradeniya


IT coordinator - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya


Faculty Coordinator of Information Technology/Web/M-Learning/ Webomatrics - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya


Coordinator - Master of Development Practice Programme, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya


Project Coordinator - Master of Development Practices Capacity-Building Project: MacAtthur Foundation Grant, University of Peradeniya


Coordinator-Peradeniya International Research Symposium - Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya

2016 - 2017

Resource Person - The National Institute of Education for preparing G.C.E A/L Economics Syllabus as well as Economics and Resource Book 01, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka


Coordinator - - Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists (SLFUE)


Resource Person - UNDP Youth Development Program


Member of the Academic Pool for Sustainable Development - the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife, Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla


Warden at Jayathilaka Hall, Akbar Nell Hall and New Akbar Hall - University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2015

Senior Student Counselor - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

January 1, 2006- December 31, 2006

Visiting Lecturer - Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya


Visiting Lecturer - Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peradeniya

2013 - To Present

Senior Academic Sub-Worden - University of Peradeniya


Visiting Lecturer - Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

2021 - To Present


Member - QUT Alumni Association

2013 to date

Member - Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists


Member - Alumni Association of University of Peradeniya

2003 to date


President's Award for Scientific Research (Two Awards) - National Research Council

2019 and 2020

The 2nd Best Economist in Sri Lanka - AD Scientific ranking:

Since 2020

Tier 4* Researcher - University of Peradeniya


Visiting Fellow - Queensland University of Technology


National Research Council (NRC) Merit Award for Scientific Publication - 2014

NCAS Awards for PHD at QUT - 2006



Athukorala, W., & Karunarathna. M. (2020). Environmental Sustainability: Asian Perspectives: Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group, (Book Proposal has been accepted), On Progress.

Athukorala, W., & Karunarathna, M. (2020). Behavior of Marker, Consumer and Producer (Sinhala) - Godage Printers, Colombo, Sri Lanka:ISBN 978-624-00-0326-1

Athukorala, W., & Karunarathna, M. (2019). Mathematics for Social Sciences and Humanities (Sinhala) - Sanduni Offset Printers (Pvt) Ltd. Peradeniya : ISBN 624-95201-0-3.

Athukorala, W. (2016). Principles of Macroeconomics (Sinhala) - Vidyalankara Printers, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka: ISBN 978-955-43677-0-8.

Athukorala, W. (2016). Micro Economics (Sinhala) - Godage Printers, Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-30-6703-6

Athukorala, W. and Karunarathna. K. M. R. (2007). Principles of Micro Economics (Sinhala) – Second Edition, Ariya Printers, Warakapola, Sri Lanka: ISBN 955-553-544-1.

Athukorala, W. and Karunarathne.K. M. R. (2005). Principles of Micro Economics (Sinhala)- First Edition, Dharsana Offset Printers, Kandy, Sri Lanka: ISBN 955-99489-0-3.

Knight-John, Athukorala, W., Perumal, A., Rupasinghe, P.W. and Gunatilake. A. (2003). Cross-border Competition: Implication for Sri Lanka. Institute of Policy Studies (IPS): Colombo


Athukorala, W., & Karunarathna, M. (2021). The Social Responsibility of Enterprises Going Out, In : Lion Dragon Dance: Practice and Reflection on the People-to-People Dialogues in China and Sri Lanka. Zhejiang University Press: 72-93.

Athukorala, W. (2021). Analyzing Effects of Agriculture Extension Using Randomized Control Experiments, In: J. Weerahewa, and J. Andrew (Eds.): Agricultural Policy Analysis: Concepts and Tools for Emerging Economies, Springer Nature.

Athukorala, W., Martin, W., Neelawala, P., Rajapaksa, D., Webb, J. and C. Wilson. (2018). Impact of Natural Disasters on Residential Property Values: Evidence from Australia, In: Q. Euston (Ed.), Economics of Natural Disasters, World Science. pp. 147-179.

Athukorala, W., Hoang, V. and Wilson, C. (2015). Impact of Agricultural Chemicals on the Environment and Human Health in Asia: Are there Solutions?, S. Managi (Ed.), Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia (pp. 321-348), Taylor & Francis Books, UK.

Wilson, C., Jayamanna, M. and W. Athukorala. (2012). Why do policy decision-makers opt for command and control environmental regulations? an economic analysis with special reference to Sri Lanka, in Kelegama, S. and D. Gunewardena (ed.) Economic and Social Development under a Market Economy Regime in Sri Lanka, Buddhadasa Hewavitharana Felicitation Volume 2, pp. 282-303, Colombo: Vijitha Yapa Publications.

Athukorala, W. and C. Wilson. (2011). Demand for electricity: evidence of cointegration and causality from Sri Lanka in Acosta, M.J. (ed.). Advances in Energy Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 199-212.

Knight-Johe, M. and Athukorala. W. (2005). Rethinking privatisation in Sri Lanka: distribution and governance. In: Nellis, John and Nancy Birdsall (Eds.). Reality Check: Assessing the Distributional Impact of Privatization, Centre for Global Development: Washington, DC. pp. 389-426.


Karunarathna, M., Bandara, Y. M. and W. Athukorala. (2024). Valuing External Costs of Road Traffic Congestion: How Important they are for Transport Policy-Making? Sustainability Science: Under Review.

Wickramasinghe, M.A., Athukorala, W., Senarathne, G. J. and P. R. D. Yapa. (2023). Examine the Reliability of Econometrics Software: An Empirical Comparison of Time Series Modelling, Open Journal of Statistics, 13 (1): DOI: 10.4236/ojs.2023.131003.

Edirisingha, E.M.R.T., Yapa Y.P.R.D., Athukorala, W. and W.M.A. Wickramasinghe. (2023). Macroeconomic Determinants of Stock Market Performances in Sri Lanka, London Journal of Research in Management and Business, 23(5): 1-15.

Athukorala, W., Lee, B. L., Wilson, C., Fujii, H. and S. Managi. (2022). Impact of pesticide exposure on farmers’ health: A farm productivity analysis. Economic Analysis and Policy: DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2022.12.007.

Athukorala, W., Gangahagedara, R., Yapa Bandara, S., Ratwatte, V., Karunarathna, M and S. Subasinghe. (2022). Transformation of Agricultural Practices and Health Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation of Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown Etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka, Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Application. 5(1): 000221.

DOI: 10.23880/abca-16000221.

Athukorala, W., Muditha Karunarathna and SamanYapa Bandara.(2022). Estimating Health Impacts of Pesticides Use: New Evidence from Vegetable Farmers in Sri Lanka. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 41(2). BJSTR. MS.ID.006565

BJSTR. MS.ID.006565

Gangahagedara, R., Subasinghe, S., Lankathilake, M., Athukorala, W. and I Gamage. (2021). Ecosystem Services Research Trends: A Bibliometric Analysis from 2000-2020, Ecologies 2(4): 266 -379.

Gangahagedara R, Karunarathna M, Athukorala W, Subasinghe S, Ekanayake P. (2021). Emergency Teaching-Learning Methods (ETLM) during COVID-19: Lessons Learned from Sri Lanka. Education Sciences. 11(10):579.

Wickramasinghe, M.A., Athukorala, W., Senarathne, G. J. and P. R. D. Yapa. (2023). Examine the Reliability of Econometrics Software: An Empirical Comparison of Time Series Modelling, Open Journal of Statistics, 13 (1)

DOI: 10.4236/ojs.2023.131003.

Edirisingha, E.M.R.T., Yapa Y.P.R.D., Athukorala, W. and W.M.A. Wickramasinghe. (2023). Macroeconomic Determinants of Stock Market Performances in Sri Lanka, London Journal of Research in Management and Business, 23(5): 1-15.

Athukorala, W., Karunarathna, M., Wilson, C. and S.Managi. (2020). Conservation of genetic resources of crops: farmer preferences for banana diversity in Sri Lanka. Journal of Forest Economics 35 ( 2-3): 177-206.

Sisirakumara, M.P.S.S., Karunarathna, M. and W. Athukorala. (2020). An Economic Valuation of Fertilizer Subsidy on Paddy Production in Sri Lanka, Modern Sri Lanka Studies, XI (2): 47-76.

Wilson, C., Athukorala, W., Torgler, B., Gifford, R., Garcia-Valiñas, M.A., and S. Managi .(2020). Willingness to pay to ensure a continuous water supply with minimum restrictions, Empirical Economics

Athukorala, W., Wilson, C., Managi, S., & Karunarathna, M. (2019). Household demand for electricity: The role of market distortions and prices in competition policy. Energy Policy, 134: 1-10.

Athukorala, W., Martin, W., Wilson, C. and D. Rajapaksa. (2019). Valuing bushfire risk to homeowners: Hedonic property values study in Queensland, Australia, Economic Analysis and Policy, 63: 44-56.

Hein, W., Wilson, C., Lee, B., Rajapaksa, D., Hans de Moel., Athukorala, W. and S. Managi. (2019). Climate change and natural disasters: Government mitigation activities and public property demand response. Land Use Policy, 82: 436–443.

Karunarathna, M. and W. Athukorala. (2019). Determinants of residential electricity consumption: A comparison between urban and rural households in Kandy District in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 6(2): 1-16.

Athukorala, W., Karunarathna, M. and S. Y. Bandara. (2019). The health cost of urban air pollution in Sri Lanka: An empirical analysis in the city of Kandy. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1) :77 -98.

Athukorala, W. and M. Karunarathna.(2018). Environmental Challenges and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Study about the Emerging Environmental Issues in Sri Lanka. Applied Economics & Business. 2(2) 38-51.

Rajapaksa, D., Athukorala, W., Managi, S., Neelawala, P., Lee, B., Hoang, V. N., and C. Wilson. (2018). The impact of cell phone towers on house prices: evidence from Brisbane, Australia, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 20 (1): 211-224.

Karunarathna, M. and W. Athukorala. (2018). The determinants of investment on floods mitigation activities: an empirical investigation in Sri Lanka. Journal of Smart Economic Growth, 3(3): 37-59.

Ranathilaka, M. B., Neluma Lashmi & Wasantha Athukorala. (2018). A cost benefit analysis on production and marketing of Banana: Base on Walawa Region in Sri Lanka, Journal of Smart Economic Growth 3(3): 69-83.

Ratnasiri, S., Wilson, C., Athukorala, W., Garcia-Valiñas, M.A., Torgler, B. and R. Gofford. (2018). Effectiveness of two pricing structures on urban water use and conservation: a quasi-experimental investigation. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 20(3): 547–560

DOI: 10.1007/s10018-017-0205-6

Athukorala, W., Wilson. C. and S. Managi. (2017). Social Welfare losses from extracting groundwater for small-scale agriculture in Sri Lanka: a major environmental concern, Journal of Forest Economics, 29(Part A): 47-55.

Jayarathna, L., Rajapaksa, D., Managi, S., Athukorala, W., Torgler, B., García-Valiñas, M. and R. Gifford. (2017). A GIS based spatial decision support system for analysing residential water demand: a case study in Australia, Sustainable Cities and Society, 32:67-77.

Long term welfare losses due to groundwater extraction for agriculture: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Presented at the Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, QUT, Brisbane, April 26-29 2011

Athukorala, W., Karunarathna, M. and Ranatilaka. (2017). Effectiveness of Education and Monitoring Programs on Improving Technical Efficiency in Rice Production: An Application of a Randomized Control Trial. . Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Economics: 18(1): 35-34.

Athukorala, W. and C. Wilson. (2016). Distributional impacts of irrigation induced agricultural development in a semi-subsistence economy: New evidence. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 19(1): 59-75.

Warnakulasooriya, H. U. and W. Athukorala.(2016). Productive efficiency of rice farming under rain-fed conditions in Gampaha and Kalutara Districts of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2(1): 51-64.

Athukorala, W. (2016). Identifying the role of agricultural extension services in improving technical efficiency in the Paddy farming sector in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 4(2): 63-77

Athukorala, W. and M. Karunarathna. (2015). Application of Choice Experiment: Basic Steps. Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 3(2): 32-54

Athukorala, W., Martin, W., Neelawala,P., Rajapaksa, D and C. Wilson. (2015). Impact of Wildfires and Floods on Property Values: A before and after Analysis. The Singapore Economic Review, 61(1):1-22.

Athukorala, W. (2015). Education, Attitudes and Agricultural Biodiversity: An Application of Randomised Control Method. Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 3(1): 29-64.

Warnakulasooriya H. U. and W. Athukorala. (2015). Technical and allocative efficiency of rice farming under irrigation in major rice growing districts of Sri Lanka, Tropical Agriculturist, 163: 76-89.

Athukorala, W. (2014). How to Estimate the Benefits of Irrigation Induced Agricultural Development: A Note on Methodological Development. Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 2(2

Garcia-Valiñas, Athukorala, W., M. A., Wilson, C., Torgler B. and R. Gifford. (2013). Non-discretionary residential water uses: the impact of habits and water-efficient technologies. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 58:185-204

Athukorala, W. (2013). Health Benefits and Industrial Air Pollution: A Comparison between People’s Willingness to Accept and the Opportunity Cost of Health Risk. Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Economics, 13 and 14 (1): 17-42.

Athukorala , W., Wilson, C. and T. Robinson. (2012). Determinants of health costs due to farmers’ exposure to pesticides: an empirical analysis. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63(1):158-174

Neelawela ,P., Wilson, C. and W. Athukorala. (2012).The impact of mining and smelting activities on house prices: a study of Mount Isa city, Queensland, Australia. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 57:1-19.

Athukorala, W. and C. Wilson. (2012). Groundwater overuse and farm-level technical inefficiency: evidence from Sri Lanka. Hydrogeology Journal, 20(5): 893-905

Athukorala, W. and C. Wilson. (2010). Estimating short and long-term residential demand for electricity: New evidence from Sri Lanka. Energy Economics, 32(1):S34-40.

Athukorala, W., Neelawela,P., Wilson, C., Miller, E., Sahama, T., Grace, P., Hefferan, M., Dissanayake, P. and O. Manawadu. (2010). Forecasting populating changes and service requirements in the regions: A study of two regional councils in Queensland, Australia. Economic Analysis and Policy, 40(3):327-350.

Athukorala, W., Gunatilake, H. M., Dharmasena, S., Gunaratne, L. H. P. and J. Weerahewa. (2009). Estimation of household demand for electricity in Sri Lanka: a cointegration analysis. Journal of Resources, Energy, and Development, 6(2):51-66.

Athukorala, W. (2007). Groundwater extraction externalities: adopting the right approach. The Peradeniya Journal of Economics, 1(1):59-74.

Athukorala, W. and Karunarathna. K. M. R. (2004). The Impact of foreign direct investments on economic growth: evidence from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Economic Journal, 5(2): 97-134.


Wasantha Athukorala. (2001). The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment for Economic Growth: A Case Study in Sri Lanka. This paper was presented at the 9th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies, held on 28th– 30th November 2003 at the University of Ruhuna. Published full paper in proceedings, No. 092.

Athukorala, W. (2016). Farmer preferences for Banana diversity and Genetically Modified Banana in Sri Lanka: Application of Choice Experiment Method. This paper was presented on 26th Asian Economic Symposium held on August 19-20, 2016 at the University of Peradeniya. Published full paper in proceedings, PP: 121-140


Athukorala, W. and M. Karunarathna. (2017). Conservation of Genetic Resources of Crops: Farmer Preferences for Banana Diversity in Sri Lanka. Working Paper Series No. 115-17: South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE)

Athukorala, W. (2016): Significance of Tax reform in Sri Lanka and its future prospects, Expert Opinion Study, EMERICS: South Korea

Athukorala, W. (2016): Why do we need to encourage the private sector investment in Sri Lanka?, Expert Opinion Study, EMERICS: South Korea.

Cockfield, G., Maraseni, T., Buys, L., Sommerfeld, J., Wilson, C. and W. Athukorala. (2010). Socioeconomic implications of climate change with regard to forests and forest management. Contribution of Work Package 3 to the Forest Vulnerability Assessment, Gold Coast, Australia, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility

Abhayaratne A. and W. Athukorala. (2006). The Impact of Foreign Aid on Long Run Economic Growth In Sri Lanka: An Econometric Study. This paper was presented at the UNU-WIDER Conference on Aid: Principles, Policies and Performance, held on 16-17 June 2006, Helsinki. Published full paper in proceedings PP: 1-23

Athukorala, W. (2003): Solid Waste Management in Sri Lanka, Economic Review, People’s Bank of Sri Lanka

Athukorala, W. (2003). The impact of FDI on economic growth. A case study in Sri Lanka. This paper was presented at the 9th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies, held in the University of Ruhuna: 28th-30th November 2003. Published full paper in proceedings No. 92 - PP: 1-23.


Wijerathne, K. B. P. C. A., Bandara, T.W.M.T.W. and W. Athukorala. (2023). A Comparative Study of Tourism-Based Land-Use Change and its Environmental Impacts: With Reference to Hikkaduwa and Bentota Tourist Destinations of Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of DeweSAS -2023. PP. 76.

Athukorala, W., Hatharasinghe, H.K.A.P., Jayamanna, D.N.T. and K.M.R. Karunarathna, (2022). Structural Changes of Public Debt in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Investigation. Abstract was published in the proceedings of PGIHS RC -2022. PP. 37.

Athukorala, W., Hatharasinghe, H.K.A.P., Jayamanna, D.N.T. and K.M.R. Karunarathna, (2022). Structural Changes of Public Debt in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Investigation. Abstract was published in the proceedings of PGIHS RC -2022. PP. 37.

Wijerathne, K.B.P.C.A., Bandara T.W.M.T.W. and W. Athukorala. (2022). Tourism –Driven Land-Use Changes and its Consequences: A case of Hikkaduwa Tourist Destination in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of PGIHS RC -2022. PP. 31.

Gangahagedara, R., Athukorala, W., Subasinghe, S., Bandara, T., Ranathikaka, M.B. and W.L.P. Perera. (2022). Distribution of Chinese Investment in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Investigation. Abstract was published in the proceedings of PGIHS RC -2022. PP. 42.

Hatharasinghe, H. K. A. P., Jayamanne D. N. T. and W. Athukorala. (2021). Productivity Changes of Major Agricultural Crops in Sri Lanka: A Comparison among main Countries in the World. The abstract was published in the proceedings of the ISymRU 2021, PP 99.

Athukorala, W., Karunarathna, M., Bandara, M. and Saman Yapa Bandara. (2021). Valuing External Costs of Road Traffic Congestion: A Case of Kandy city in Sri Lanka Abstract was published in the proceedings of 30th Asian Economic Symposium 2021, PP 7.

Gangahagedara, R., Bandara S.Y., Ratwatte, V., Karunarathna, M. and W. Athukorala. (2021). Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDu): Application of the Value of Statistical Life Approach in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of Peradeniya University International Research Sessions 2021, Vol. 23: PP 582

Bandara, S.Y., Athukorala, W., Gannoruwa, A., Kulathunga, S. and N. Hewageegana. (2021). Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Motivation: A Study on Managerial Nurses in Children’s Hospitals of Sri Lanka Abstract was published in the proceedings of Peradeniya University International Research Sessions 2021, Vol. 23: PP 248

Nanayakkara, A.M.N.A.D.J.S., Perera, P.A.D.M., Ratwatte, V.P. and W. Athukorala. (2021). COVID-19: An Analysis of the Impact of Pandemic Lockdown on Daily Wage Earners in Katugastota Area. Abstract was published in the proceedings of Peradeniya University International Research Sessions 2021, Vol. 23: PP 29

Sisirakumara M. P. S. S., Karunarathna, M., Athukorala, W., (2020). An Economic Evaluation of Fertilizer Subsidy on Paddy Production in Sri Lanka. Extended Abstract was published in the 8th Peradeniya International Economics Research Symposium (PIERS), Proceedings, VIII: 3-7

Gangahagedara, R., Karunarathna, M., Athukorala, W., (2020). A Study of Emergency Learning-Teaching Methods (ELTM) implemented by the Stakeholders of Kandy Educational Zone (KEZ) during COVID-19 Pandemic. Extended Abstract was published in the 8th Peradeniya International Economics Research Symposium (PIERS), Proceedings, VIII: 135-141

Hatharasinghe, H. K. A. P., Jayamanne, D. N. T. and W. Athukorala. (2019). Cost of the Fertilizer Subsidy for Paddy Farmers: An Empirical Investigation in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Peradeniya International Economics Research Conference, PGIHS, 2019: PP 125- 130.

Ratwatte, V., Athukorala, W., Bandara, S.Y., and R. Gangahagedara. (2019). Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology: A Review of Literature on the Socio-economic Aspects Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Peradeniya International Economics Research Conference, PGIHS, 2019: PP 193- 198.

Warnakulasooriya, H. U. and W. Athukorala. (2017). Land use, technical efficiency and farm income in rice farming under major irrigation schemes in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Annual Research Congress, PGIHS-RC-2017: 8.

Warnakulasooriya, H. U. and W. Athukorala. (2017). Welfare implications of raising technical efficiency in rice farming under major irrigation in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Annual Research Congress, PGIHS-RC-2017: 10.

Athukorala, W. (2015). Technical Efficiency and agricultural biodiversity: Identifying the role of knowledge and attitudes. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the 4th Sri Lanka Economics Research Conference: Vol. IV : 164-173.

Athukorala,W. (2014). Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity: Does Education Matter?. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the 3rd Sri Lanka Economics Research Conference. Vol. III : 71-81.

Rathnayaka R. M. S. M. and W. Athukorala. (2014). The impact of human capital on economic growth in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Peradeniya Economics Research Symposium. Vol. II : 50-56.

Warnakulasooriyal H.U, Athukorala, W. and A. Jayawickrama. (2014). Productive Efficiency of Rice Farming under Rain fed in low country wet Zone of Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the SICARP international Agricultural Research Symposium. PP. 69.

Martin, W. Wilson, C. and W. Athukorala. (2012). Impact of wildfires on property values: a before and after analysis. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Western Economic Association International's 87th Annual Conference, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, USA. PP. 111-112.

Wasantha Athukorala and Clevo Wilson. (2010). Estimating residential demand for electricity: application of co-integration and causality approaches. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the 39th Australian Conference of Economists. PP.ACE10-19.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2010). Determinants of health costs due to farmer’s exposure to pesticides: An empirical analysis. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Research Students’ Colloquium, Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology. PP. 15.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2009). Accounting for groundwater quantity depletion and quality deterioration externalities simultaneously: theory and empirical evidence. Abstract was published in the Report of the 2009 PhD Conference in Economics and Business, The University of Western Australia. PP. 18.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2009). Irrigation development, technological transfer and commodity markets: An analysis of the magnitude, sensitivity and distribution of the benefits in the long run. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Research Students’ Colloquium, Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology (QUT). PP. 13.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2008). Groundwater extraction externalities: Accounting for quantity depletion and quality deterioration simultaneously. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Research Students’ Colloquium, Faculty of Business, QUT: PP. 18.

Clevo Wilson, Clem Tisdell and Wsantha Athukorala. (2008). Nature-based tourism in lesser known species and their importance for conservation. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the 37th Australian Conference of Economists. PP. 79.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2007). Health benefits from reducing Air Pollution of the Limestone Industry. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Postgraduate Research Symposium, University of Peradeniya. PP.21.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2003). The impact of foreign direct investment for economic growth: a case study in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sri Lankan Studies (ICSLS), University of Ruhuna. PP. 92.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2003). The impact of FDI and trade liberalisation on the long run economic growth in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Annual Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya. PP.40.

Wasantha Athukorala. (2001). Profitability and comparative advantage of the rice growing sector in Sri Lanka. Abstract was published in the proceedings of the Annual Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya. PP. 31.


Proceedings (PIERS 2019): 7th Peradeniya International Economics Research Symposium (Co-editor)

Proceedings (PIERS 2018): 6th Peradeniya International Economics Research Symposium (Co-editor)

Evaluation Report of G.C.E A/L 2015, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Journal of Economics Research: 2013-2014


Frontiers in Climate, Frontiers in Sustainability (2020 to date)

Proceedings (PIERS 2020): 8th Peradeniya Economics Research Symposium

Proceedings (PERS 2016): 4th Peradeniya Economics Research Symposium

Evaluation Report of G.C.E A/L 2015 and 2016, Ministry of Education 2015-2016

Proceedings (PERS 2015): 3rd Peradeniya Economics Research Symposium

Evaluation Report of G.C.E A/L 2015 and 2016, Ministry of Education

Lahore Journal of Economics: 2011-2012

The National Institute of Education for preparing G.C.E A/L Economics Syllabus and Economics and Resource Book 01: 2014-2016


Essays on Irrigation Development, Farm Production and Unaccounted Costs: Theory and Empirical Evidence. (2011). PhD Thesis, QUT, Australia

Estimation of Household Demand for Electricity in Sri Lanka. (2004). MPhil. Thesis, PGIA, University of Peradeniya

Profitability and Comparative Advantages of the Rice Growing Sector in Sri Lanka: A Comparison between Dry Zone and Wet Zone Farmers. (2000). Undedergraduate Dissertation, Department of Economics and Statistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya


Peradeniya University International Research Symposium and Exposition

Entrepreneurial competencies & digital marketing orientation: comparative analysis of empirical evidence from the literature.

University of Peradeniya

August 29 – 30, 2024

Developmentalism Vs wellbeing of South Asian Societies

A Comparative Study of Tourism-Based Land-Use Change and its Environmental Impacts: With Reference to Hikkaduwa and Bentota Tourist Destinations of Sri Lanka.

University of Kelaniya

February 23 – 24, 2023

Annual Research Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (PGIHS RC-2022)

Distribution of Chinese Investment in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Investigation

University of Peradeniya

December, 16-17, 2022

Annual Research Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (PGIHS RC-2022)

Tourism–Driven Land-Use Changes and its Consequences: A case of Hikkaduwa Tourist Destination in Sri Lanka.

University of Peradeniya

December, 16-17, 2022

Annual Research Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (PGIHS RC-2022)

Structural Changes of Public Debt in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Investigation.

University of Peradeniya

December 16-17, 2022

International Symposium of Rajarata University 2021 (ISymRU 2021)

Productivity Changes of Major Agricultural Crops in Sri Lanka: A Comparison among main Countries in the World

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

21-22 December 2021

30th Asian Economic Symposium

Valuing External Costs of Road Traffic Congestion: A Case of Kandy city in Sri Lanka

Faculty of Economics, Saga National University

5th of November 2021

8th Peradeniya International Economics Research Symposium (PIERS)

Road Traffic Congestion Induced CO2 Emission: Evidence from Kandy City.

PGIHS, University of Peradeniya

December 10, 2020

7th Peradeniya International Economics Research Conference

Cost of the Fertilizer Subsidy for Paddy Farmers: An Empirical Investigation in Sri Lanka

PGIHS, University of Peradeniya

October 17-18, 2019

7th Peradeniya International Economics Research Conference

Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology: A Review of Literature on the Socio-economic Aspects This paper was presented at the which was held on at

PGIHS, University of Peradeniya

October 17-18, 2019

26th Asian Economic Symposium

Farmer preferences for Banana diversity and Genetically Modified Banana in Sri Lanka: Application of Choice Experiment Method

University of Peradeniya

August 19-20, 2016

Sri Lanka Economics Research Conference (4th SLERC)

Technical Efficiency and agricultural biodiversity: Identifying the role of knowledge and attitudes

Hotel Janaki Colombo

November 20-21, 2015

Western Economic Association 11th International Conference

Impact of wildfires and floods on property values: a before and after analysis

Wellington, New Zealand

January 8-11, 2015

Sri Lanka Economics Research Conference (3rd SLERC)

Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity: Does Education Matter?

University of Ruhuna

December 20, 2014

Western Economic Association International's 87th Annual Conference

Impact of wildfires on property values: a before and after analysis

Hilton San Francisco Union Square, USA

June 29-July 3, 2012

3rd Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference

Valuing bushfire risk using a spatial hedonic property value method

Seattle, Washington

April 17-19 2012

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Health benefits of reducing industrial air pollution: A comparison of willingness to accept compensation and cost of illness estimates

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29, 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Impact of mining activities on property values

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Non-discretionary residential water uses: the impact of habits and water-efficient technologies

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

The presence of Koalas in neighborhoods and property values: a hedonic property values study

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Factors influencing residents’ willingness to pay to ensure continuous water supply with minimum restrictions

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference,

Long term welfare losses due to groundwater extraction for agriculture: Evidence from Sri Lanka

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Effectiveness of uniform pricing vs. increasing block rate pricing on urban water demand

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Natural disasters and their varying impact on residential property values

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Do residents in bushfire prone areas heed warnings? A hedonic property value study

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Residential demand for electricity: an Australian perspective

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Forecasting populating changes and service requirements in the regions: A study of two regional councils in Queensland, Australia

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Pesticide use in agriculture and its impact on farm level inefficiency: evidence from Sri Lanka

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

Western Economic Association International's 9th. Biennial Pacific Rim Conference

Health benefits of reducing industrial air pollution: A comparison of willingness to accept compensation and cost of illness estimates

QUT, Brisbane

April 26-29 2011

85th Annual Conference of WEAI in Portland

Distribution of benefits of irrigation induced technological changes and commodity markets: New evidence

Oregon, USA

June 29 – July, 3 2010

85th Annual Conference of WEAI

Determinants of health costs due to armers’ exposure to pesticides: An empirical analysis

Portland, Oregon, USA

June 29 – July, 3 2010

85th Annual Conference of WEAI

Distribution of benefits of irrigation induced technological changes and commodity markets: New evidence

Portland, Oregon, USA

June 29 – July, 3 2010

Research Students' Colloquium

Determinants of health costs due to farmers’ exposure to pesticides: An empirical analysis

Queensland University of Technology, Australia

October 1, 2010

Research Students’ Colloquium

Irrigation development, technological transfer and commodity markets: An analysis of the magnitude, sensitivity and distribution of the benefits in the long run

Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology

October 2, 2009

PhD Conference in Economics

Accounting for groundwater quantity depletion and quality deterioration externalities simultaneously: theory and empirical evidence

Business, The University of Western Australia

November 4 – 6, 2009

Research Students’ Colloquium

Groundwater extraction externalities: Accounting for quantity depletion and quality deterioration simultaneously

Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology

October 3, 2008

Annual Research Sessions

The impact of FDI and trade liberalisation on the long run economic growth in Sri Lanka

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

October 23, 2003

Annual Research Sessions

Profitability and comparative advantage of the rice growing sector in Sri Lanka

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

November 15, 2001


Applied Microeconomics

Environmental Economics

Agricultural Economics

Development Economics

Sustainable Development


EMT6004 - Environment Valuation

PGIHS (Postgraduates)

2020 - To Present

ECN601 - Advanced Microeconomics

PGIHS (Postgraduates)

2018 - To Present

ECN 658 - Resource Economics

PGIHS (Postgraduates)

2018 - To Present

DPR511 - Foundations of Sustainable Development Practice


2017 - To Present

DPR699 - Field Training Seminars & Proposal Writing

PGIHS (Postgraduates)

2016 - To Present

DPR 510 - Data Analysis for Development Practice


2017 - To Present

ECN 654 - Research Methods

PGIHS (Postgraduates)

2020 -2021

EMT 6096 - Independent Study Part II: Project Report


2021 - To Present

ECN 477 - Environmental Valuation

Economics and Statistics (Undergraduates)

2014 - To Present

EMT 6013 - Independent Study Part I: Skills for Environmental Practitioners

PGIHS (Postgraduates)

2021 - To Present

ECN 3009 - Research Methods in Economics

Economics and Statistics (Undergraduates)

2019 - To Present

ECN 498 and ECN 499 - Dissertation in Economics

Economics and Statistics (Undergraduates)

2018 - To Present

ECON 3113 - Applied Economics

Economics, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

2021 - To Present

Research Interests

Economic Crisis, Poverty and Public Debt

Development Issues

Environmental Valuation

Sustainable Development

Agricultural Economics

Environment Economics

Ongoing Research and Projects

Reviewing Sri Lankan’s Free Trade Agreements

Income Poverty and Distribution of Welfare Benefits in Sri Lanka

Inflation: A Blessing or a Curse for Sri Lankan

The research report was submitted to the Sri Lankan Parliament. It was published in Hansards in Sri Lanka parliament on September 1, 2022.

Economic and Political Crisis in Sri Lanka

This project is funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung:

Development of Local Air Quality Management Plan for Kandy and Kurunegala: Identifying sources of air pollution, air quality monitoring, and modeling

This Project is funded by Air Resource Management and National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Environment, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka

Returns from Microcredit under External Shocks: Evaluating the Impact of Covid 19 on the Performance of Small-Scale Enterprises

This project is funded by the University of Peradeniya Resaech Grant 2022

Research Grants Received

Peradeniya University Research Grant, Research on "Returns from Microcredit under External Shocks: Evaluating the Impact of Covid 19 on the Performance of Small-Scale Enterprises" 2022

South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Research on "Environmental Costs of Road Traffic Congestion in Sri Lanka" 2018

Peradeniya University Research Grant, Research on " Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Services for Improving Productivity and Technical Efficiency in rural agricultural sector in Sri Lanka " 2016

Peradeniya University Research Grant, Research on "Identify the benefits of conserving agricultural biodiversity: An application of Randomized Control Method" 2013

South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Research on “Valuation of crop genetic resources: Farmer preferences for Banana diversity and genetically modified Banana in Sri Lanka” 2013

National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (NCAS). Studies in Higher Education Research, 2007

American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies. Environment Pollution Survey (EPS) for Central Province of Sri Lanka, 2004

Other Academic Contributions

Consultant - Study on the Technical Feasibility & Financial Viability of a Power Sector Project: This Project was funded by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Consultant: Preparation of Stage 1 Kigali HFC Implementation Plan in Sri Lanka: This Project was funded by the Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Battaramulla, Sri Lanka

Consultant - Development of Local Air Quality Management Plan for Kandy and Kurunegala: Identifying sources of air pollution, air quality monitoring, and modeling This Project is funded by Air Resource Management and National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Environment, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka: 2022

Consultant - The Ecosystem Conservation and Management Project (ESCAMP) funded by World Bank: Mid Term Review conducted by the Industrial Services Bureau: 2019

Consultant: Developed BA degree in Economics in the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka under AHEAD Project, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka: 2021

Consultant - INNOTAL Project funded by the European Union, University of Peradeniya: 2018

Participant: I participated to the UNESCO MGIEP’s Cantor’s World Programme and the workshop which was held on 24th – 25th July 2018 in New Delhi

Participant: I participated to the Regional MDP summit, organized by TERI SAS New Delhi: 24th and 25th September 2018.

Participant: I participated in the 8th Annual Master of Development Practice(MDP) summit 2016, organized by the Global Association of Master's in Development Practice Program and held at the University Sains Malaysia: May 30- June 04, 2016.

Participant: I participated to the 7th Annual Master of Development Practice (MDP) summit 2015, organized by the Global Association of Master's in Development Practice Program and held in Institute of Political Science (Science Po) Paris: June 7- June 10, 2015

Participant: I participated to the Asia- Pacific Regional Training of Instructors on Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation (ECO-DRR/CAA), organized by United Nations Environment Program and held in Bangkok, Thailand: 19 - 22 May 2015

Participant: I participated to the Workshop on Research Communication, organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and held in Dhulikhel Mountain Resort in Nepal: 10 - 23 February, 2015

Participant: I participated to the 29th Biannual Research and Writing Workshop organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and held in Kathmandu in Nepal: 07- 11 December 2014

Participant: I participated to the course on Program Evaluation organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and held Kathmandu in Nepal: 04- 6 December, 2014

Participant: I participated to the 28th Research and Writing Workshop organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and held Thimpu in Bhutan: 16- 20 June, 2014

Participant: I participated to the Winter School in Resource and Environmental Economics organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and held in Lalitpur in Nepal: 4- 13 March, 2014

Participant: I participated to the Workshop on Learning Management System(LMS) for academic staff of Universities organized by the HETC Project, Ministry of Higher Education and held in the University of Kelaniya: 21- 22 November, 2013

Participant: I participated to the 26th Biannual Research and Training Workshop organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and held in Tide Resort, Thailand: 19- 23 June, 2013

Participant: I participated to the Workshop on Experimental Design on Savings and Payments organized by the Global Financial Inclusion Initiative and held in Institute of Policy Studies in Colombo: 10- 13 September, 2012

Participant: I participated to the CAGE Summer Program: Firms and Household Enterprises in Developing Countries that was held on the at the University of Warwick, England: 12 - 16 July, 2010

Participant: Successfully completed a short course on Topics in Microeconometrics with Prof. William Greene, The University of Queensland, Australia: July 7, 8 and 9, 2010

Participant: Successfully completed a short course on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis with Prof. Chris O’Donnell, The University of Queensland, Australia: September 29 - October 1, 2009

Participant: I successfully completed a course on Regression Analysis with Discrete and Censored Dependent Variables Using Stata with Prof. Colin Cameron, The University of Queensland, Australia: July 22, 23 and 24, 2009

Participant: I successfully completed two-day Workshop on Behavioural Economics Delivered by Prof. Ian McDonald, University of Sydney, Australia: December 4 - 5, 2008

Participant: I participated to the PhD courses in Environmental Economics organized by the Goteborg University and held in Goteborg University in Sweden: February 21 to May 3, 2005

Participant: I participated to the Workshop on Advance Research Methodologies in Social Sciences and Humanities organized by the National Center for Advance Studies and Held at the University of Peradeniya: 30- 31 December 2005

Participant: I participated to a Course on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, jointly organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) & the World Bank, and held in Colombo: June 17 - July 4, 2004

Participant: I participated to the 6th Regional Training Course in Environmental and Resource Economics, organized by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia and held in Chiangmai, Thailand: March 29 - April 24, 2004

Participant: I participated to a high-level training program course on Investment Analysis organized by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and held in Colombo: June 30 - July 11, 2003

Participant: I participated to the Workshop on Development and Maintenance of Web applications in Commerce, Education and entertainment organized by the Postgraduate Institute of Science and held in PGIS: November 1- 2, 2003

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Department of Economics & Statistics,
Faculty of Arts,
University of Peradeniya
Peradeniya, 20400,
Sri Lanka
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