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Department of Philosophy

University of Peradeniya

Postgraduate Programme - Philosophy

The postgraduate programs offered by the Department of Philosophy range from Diploma program to PhD program and attract many students from the University of Peradeniya itself, other Universities in Sri Lanka and abroad.

Diploma in Philosophy

Course Code Course Titles
PHY501 Issues in Philosophy
PHY502 Modern Western Philosophy
PHY503 Indian Philosophy
PHY504 Classical Ethics – East & West
PHY505 Ethics and Social Philosophy of Buddhism
PHY506 Philosophy & Psychology of Education
PHY507 Seminar on Methodology

M.A./M.Phil in Philosophy

Course Code Course Titles
PHY 601/ 701 Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
PHY 602/ 702 Contemporary Moral Philosophy
PHY 603/ 703 Philosophy of Mahayana
PHY 604/704 Elements of Buddhist logic
PHY 605/705 French Philosophy
PHY 606/706 Modern German Philosophy
PHY 607/707 Modernity, Post- Modernity and Islamic Thought
PHY 608/ 708 Hua – Yen Buddhism
PHY 609/709 Science and Society
PHY 610/710 Research Methodology
