Department of Psychology

Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

Dr. BDADN Bulathwatta

Senior Lecturer (Grade II)

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(Leipzig, Germany)


(Valencia, Spain)


(University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)

Current Positions

Senior Lecturer -

2019 December - To Present

Chairman, Senior Students Counsellors - Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya

2022 - To Present

Postgraduate Coordinator - Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences

2020 - To Present

Positions Held

Class Coordinator, Induction Programme for Academic Staff, Staff Development Center - University of Peradeniya


Exco: Sri Lanka Psychological Association -

Exco: Peradeniya University Toast Masters Club -


Sri Lanka Psychological Association -

Peradeniya University Toast Masters Club -


Scholarship for MSc in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology - European Commission: Erasmus Mundus Grant (Succeeded as the only candidate selected from Asia)

DAAD: MOU-Grant: for counseling project at the University of Colombo (Sri Lanka) - Between the University of Leipzig and the University of Colombo

DAAD Prize - German Academic Exchange Service

KAAD: Scholarship awarded for a PhD Research Project - Catholic Foreign Exchange Programme



Reschke, K. & Schröder, H. (2020). Optimististisch den Stress Meistern(Material für Langzeitkurs, Stress check up & persönliche Beratung, Institue of Psycho Therophy(IPT)(Bulathwatta, A.,‘Translation‘:’Athathiya jayaganimata Sarwashubawadhi praweshayak‘), to be published

Bulathwatta, A. (2016). Trauma among University Students and how they cope it?. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany.

Kenrick, D.T., Neuberg,S. L., & Cialdini, R.B. (2009). Social Psychology (Unraveling the Mystery) (Bulathwatta, A.,“Translation” ) , Sanhida Publications, Sri Lanka. (Original work published in 1999)


Bulathwatta, A. (2018). Disaster risk factors and traumatic Stress (Systematic review on traumatic stress). Clinical Psychiatry, Vol.4 No.1:18.

Bulathwatta, A., Witruk, E.,& Rechske, K.(2018).Well-being after Personal and Natural Trauma among University Students.International Journal of Indian Psychology, 6(3), 32-44. DIP:18.01.063/20180603, DOI:10.25215/0603.063

Bulathwatta, A. (2017). Development of Psychology in Sri Lanka in comparison to Germany: Origin, Development, and Limitations, International Journal of Indian Psychology, Volume 4, Issue 2, No. 95

Bulathwatta, A. (2013). Ragging as a Trauma among University students, Paper presented at International Workshop on Psychological Conferences of Traumatic Experiences, May 3, Leipzig, Germany.

Bulathwatta, A. D. N., Witruk, E., & Reschke, K. (2016). Effect of emotional intelligence and resilience on trauma coping among university students. Health Psychology Report, 5(1).

Bulathwatta, A., & Witruk, E. (2016). Psychology of Disaster. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 949– 964

Bulathwatta, A. (2013). Trauma and Coping among University students. Exploring Emotional Intelligence Application on Coping with Trauma.Retrieved from://


Bulathwatta, A. (2016). Role of Emotional Intelligence and Resilience on Trauma among university students. Paper presented at international Conference of Psychology (ICP 2016). July 25, Yokohama, Japan.

Bulathwatta, A. (2015). Aggression related trauma and coping among university students. Paper presented at International Workshop on Qualitative Methods, Emergency and Rehabilitation Psychology, June 15- 18, Leipzig, Germany.

Bulathwatta, A. (2015). Emotional Intelligence and self-efficacy: Effects on Stress Coping Strategies, Paper presented at the international Workshop Dyslexia and Traumatic Experiences, December 5-6, Leipzig, Germany.

Bulathwatta, A. (2014). Trauma among University students. Paper Presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), July 8-13, Paris, France. 4

Bulathwatta, A. (2013). Ragging as a Trauma among University students, Paper presented at International Workshop on Psychological Conferences of Traumatic Experiences, May 3, Leipzig, Germany.


Bulatahwatta, A.(2020). Psychology and Social work: Psychology behind helping people in different social contexrs, Dyslexia and Traumaitc experiences(In press)

Bulathwatta, A.,(2019). Factors which have influenced on trauma coping: a review of different domains of traumatic conditions, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 02(01), 99-111

Bulathwatta,A. (2019). Trauma and Coping Styles among University Students in Sri Lanka and Germany (Role of Emotional Intelligence and Resilience), E.Witruk & D.Utami (Eds), Dyslexia and Traumatic Experiences.(pp 59-64) Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang

Bulathwatta,A.(2016). Trauma among University students in Germany and Sri Lanka, E.Witruk, Y. Lee, S. Novita, & D. Utami (Eds), Studies in Educational and Rehabilitative Psychology, Dyslexia and Traumatic Experiences (pp 95-100), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang.

Bulathwatta, A. (2016). Focus on psychological developments in Education and Health. Proceedings of the 1st Scientific Meeting in Psychology of the University of Evora and the University of Leipzig, A.Candeias, E. Galindo, Reschke, K., & E. Witruk (Eds), Peter Lang. (In Press)

Bulathwatta, A. (2010).Why do we need Counselling?. In Perera & Hewage (Eds.),Sambhasha. (pp 661-667) Piriwen education branch- Ministry of Education,Sri Lanka.

Research Interests

Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Trauma and Resilience, Cognitive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Creativity, Well-being among university students, Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Research Grants Received

University Research Grant - 2021

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Contact Details

Department of Psychology,
Faculty of Arts,
University of Peradeniya
Peradeniya, 20400,
Sri Lanka
Head:+94 (0)81 239 2620
Office:+94 81 239 2621/22
+94 (0)81 239 2620
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