
Department of Sociology

Faculty of Arts - University of Peradeniya

Dr. Susantha Rasnayake

Senior Lecturer (Grade 2)

BA (Peradeniya), MA (Peradeniya), MPhil (Peradeniya), PhD (MUNI, Czech Republic)

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About Me

Susantha Rasnayake is a Senior Lecturer attached to the Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. He has worked as a Temporary Lecturer both in the Department of Sociology, University of Colombo, and the Department of Social Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka from 2007 to 2011. He earned his BA (Hons.) in Sociology in 2006 and MA in 2011 from the University of Peradeniya. Subsequently, he earned his MPhil mastering in Urban Anthropology in 2016 from the same University. In 2024, he earned his PhD in Social Work at Masaryk University, in the Czech Republic. His areas of expertise are self-violence (suicide and self-harm), urban space and development, development studies, and social policy.



Masaryk University, Czech Republic



University of Peradeniya



University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka



University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.


Current Positions

Senior Lecturer (Grade II) - Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya.

2016 - To Present

Positions Held

Visiting Lecturer - Ocean University of Sri Lanka

5th Semester of the batch 2020/2021

Visiting Lecturer - Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peradeniya


Visiting Lecturer - Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (PGIHS),University of Peradeniaya


Visiting Lecturer - Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (PGIHS)University of Peradeniaya.


Visiting Lecturer - Open University of Sri Lanka, Kandy Regional Center.


Visiting Lecturer - Department of Social Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka


Visiting Lecturer - Department of Applied Nutrition, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.


Temporary Lecturer - Department of Social Sciences,Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka

2009 -2011

Visiting Lecturer - External Degree Programmes & Extension Service Unite (EDPES) Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,


Visiting Lecturer - External Degree Programmes & Extension Service Unite (EDPES) Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka


Visiting Lecturer - Department of Social Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka


Temporary Assistant Lecturer - Department of Sociology, University of Colombo

2007 - 2009

Visiting Lecturer - Department of Social Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.



Eco-tourism for Rural Livelihood Development: Case study of Reverstern Area in Sri Lanka - Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Chennai




Rasnayake, S & Galagamge (Eds) (2017) Sociology of South Asia (in Sinhala), Colombo: S. Godage and thBroers.

Saman,H. & Rasnayake. S (2011) Development Sociology (in Sinhala), Battaramulla: Samira Publishers.


Rasnayake, S. (2014) Media, Public Sphere and New Dynamics of Democracy, in Political Sociology-02, Eds. Saman Handaragama, Battaramulla: Samira Publisher.


Rasnayake, S., Ellalagoda, J., & Jayasena, C. (2024). Sociocultural Discourses of Suicide in Sri Lanka: An Overview of Literature. Asian Journal of Politics and Society. 2(1). 5-29.


Rasnayake. S., & Pavel.N. (2021). Warning Signs of Elderly Suicide and Factors Affecting Professional Help-Seeking: Case of Sri Lanka. Journal of Population and Social Studies. Volume 31, 2023. pp. 1–19.


Rasnayake, S., Navratil, P. (2024). Family Responses to Youth Who Have Engaged in Self-harm: A Qualitative Study, Sri Lanka. Journal of Population and Social Studies. Vol.33, pp. 783-800.


Rasnayake, S., Navratil, P., Ayuk, N.O, Chandrasekara, D., & Gamage. T. (2024). A Systematic Review of the Role of Social Work in Dealing with Suicide. KONTAKT – Journal of Nursing and Social Sciences related to Health and Illness. KONTAKT 26/x: xxx–xxx.


Pradeep, S and Rasnayake, S (2013) "A Critical Analysis on the Concept of Citizenship of Classical Greece and Rome". Gnanoddeepanee: The compendium in commemoration of Most Venerable Nugethanne sri pannabhidhana. Sri Sambuddathwa jayanthi Viharaya, Anuradhapura.

Rasnayake, S (2009) An Anthropological Analysis on Culture of Poverty, Prajna, The Compendium in Commemoration of Most ven. Rambukwelle pannasara Thero, edited by Rnjanlal Gammeddage. 2009.

Gamlath, S., Rasnayake, R., & Kamalrathne, T (2019) Reaching People First: A Neww Paradigm to Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 02, Number 02. 71-91.

Rasnayake, S. (Trans.) (2019) Amidst Violence: Politics, Memory and New Possibilities for Sociology by Sasanka Perera. Samaja Vimasuma, 18 volume, 247-267.

Rasnayake, S (2017) Foucauldian Philosophy and Post-development theory. Samaja Vimasuma. 17 volume, 203-242.

Rasnayake, S(2016) Urban Regeneration and Re-housing Slum Dwellers: The Case of Urban Resettlement in Mihindusenpura Multi-storied Apartments, Colombo, Modern Sri Lanka Studies: A Journal of the Social Sciences,Vol. VIII, No 03. 2016.

Rasnayake, S. (2016) The Discourse of ‘Slum-Free’ City: A Critical Review to the Project of City Beautification in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Journal of Sociology, Vol 1, No 01.

Samarakoon,S.J.M.N.G, Rasnayake, S., Chandrasekara, D.T. (2016). Youth Aspirations, Social Mobility and Educational Target Achievement in Sri Lanka, Social Affairs: A Journal for the Social Sciences, Vol.1 No.4, 1-14, Spring.

Rasnayake, S., & Predeep, H.U.S (2014) Environmental Degradations and the Reality of Global Consumption: An Environment Sociological Analysis, Sabaragamuwa University Journal, January 2014, No 01.

Rasnayake, S., Handaragama, S., & Susanjika, S (2013) Dalada Rituals in the Space Commercialization: Social Anthropological Analysis, Sabaragamuwa University Sasthriya Sangrahaya, volume 7, 155-174.

Rasnayake, S., Kamalrathne, T. & Predeep,H.U.S (2013) Diffusion of Religious Values and Repositioning the God Sakra in Sinhalese Religious Pantheon: The Case of New Laksmi Shrine in Kataragama, Modern Sri Lanka Studies; A Journal of the Social Sciences, Vo iv, No 01.

Rasnayake,S., Handaragama,S., Predeep,H.U.S., Susanjika,N.,& Kamalrathne, T(2013) Nimali Susanjika. The Role of Informal Women Entrepreneurs in Livelihood Development and Regional Development, International Journal of Arts and Commerce, vol:2, no :5, May 2013. Centre for Enhancing Knowledge, U.K.

Ramesh, R., Rasnayake, S., & Kamalrathne,T. (2013) Women Rights in Sri Lanka: An Inquiry in to the Rights of Plantation Women. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, vol: 02, no: 07, July 2013. Centre for Enhancing Knowledge, U.K.

Rasnayake, S. (2010) Why We Should Understand Culture of Poverty in Sustainable Development?:A Sociological Study, Peace, Prosperous and Development: 21 Aspirations and Challenges of 21st Century, Prof. Dayanandha Somasunadara Felicitation Volume, edited by M.Sunil Shantha and Herath Madane Bandara- 2010.

Rasnayake, S. (2009) Socio-economic Changes and Modernization of Rural Paddy Cultivation: A Sociological Analysis, Sabaragamuwa University Journal, January 2010, No.01.

Rasnayake, S. (2008) Gender and Sports; A Sociological Analysis, Nivedani, vol.14, 2008 December, Women Education and Research Centre (WERC): Colombo. 06.


Sri Lanka Journal of Sociology, Volume 1 and 2, published by Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya.

Samaja Vimasuma, Volume, 16, 17, 18, published by Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya


4th International Research Symposium on Social Sciences & Humanities 2022

Rasnayake, S., & Pavel, N. (2022). Family Responses and Social Well-being of Suicide Attempt Survivors in the Post-discharge Period: A Qualitative Study.

Sri Lanka


8th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management

Housing- 'Physical Vs Social Entity: A Critique to Re-housing of Urban Poor in Multi-storied Apartments in Colombo

University of Peradeniya.


International Conference on the Social Work - Social Development and Sustainable Development Goals,

Discourse and Sustainability of Relocating the Urban Poor in High-rise Apartments: A Case Study

University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka.


International Conference on the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ICHSS)

Production of Neo-liberal Space through Rebuilding the City; A Critique of Hiritage Led City Beautification in Colombo Sri Lanka, Unleashing Minds to Create a Sustainable Future.

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.


Peradeniya University International Research Session

Governing Urban Poor: A Critique on the Discourse of Slum Free City in Colombo, Sri Lanka



International Research Conference- Changing-Socio-Economic dynamics in Sri Lanka

Victims of Beauty: An Inquiry on the Livelihood Impacts of Slum Resettlement Programme Driven by City Beautification Project in Colombo.

Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo

December 2015

Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka,

Statistical and Sociological Analysis on Crime Data


October, 2014

Peradeniya University International Research Session,

Dynamics of Sexual Stimulations through Facebook among University Students



Peradeniya University International Research Session

Vulnerability of War-Widows in the Post-War Development Scenario: A Case Study of War-Torn Kandawai Divisional Secretariat Division of the Kilinochchi District in Sri Lanka



Peradeniya University Research Session; PURSE

Cross-Cultural Dynamics of Abortion: A Sociological Study in Three Selected Ethnic Communities in Sri Lanka



The Millennium Challenge for Buddhism, International Buddhist Conference

The changing Role of the God Sakra in the Sinhalese Buddhist Tradition: An Anthropological View

Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University,Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.


Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE)

Either God or Devil: Beyond Buddhism: An Anthropological View of Yakkama Ritual,



5th Research Conference

Student Drop-out in the Plantation Sector in Sri Lanka: A Critical Analysis of Causes and Repercussions

The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka

March 30th -31st 2012.

National Conference on Regional Development

Restrictions for Social Mobility and Rural Urban Migration in Sri Lanka; A Sociological Analysis

South Eastern University,

December 2011.

Youth Voices in Post-War Sri Lanka: Challenges, Aspirations &Opportunities for Transformation

The Importance of Public-Non-Profit Partnership at Sub-National Level for Post-War Regional Development in Sri Lanka,


January 2012

FGS 12th Annual Research Symposium

Youth Aspirations, Social Mobility and Goal Attainment of Education in Sri Lanka

Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya

November 2011.

International Conference

Eco-tourism for Rural Livelihood Development: Case study of Reverstern Area in Sri Lanka

Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Chennai


9th Annual Research session

Abortion in War Affected, Marginalized Women in Sri Lanka, Towards Post War Development

Eastern University, Sri Lanka,

December 2010.

Fourth International Conference of Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka

Changing Buddhist Perception in the Commercial Context

International Buddhist Academy

December 2010.

Sociological Association of Sri Lanka

Socio-economic Changes of Agricultural Modernization in Rural Society with special reference to Rasnayakapura Village in Nikaweratiya, Role of Sociology in Dealing with Contemporary Issues in Sri Lanka.

University of Colombo


Research Interests

Urban Studies, Post-Development Studies, Applied Sociology, Environmental Studies, Media and Society.

Other Academic Contributions

General Secretary, Peradeniaya Arts Faculty Teachers Association, (2018)

Vice-President, Federation of Peradeniya University Teachers Association (FPUTA), 2018

Joint- Secretary, Federation of Peradeniya University Teachers Association (FPUTA), 2016

Volunteer Student Counselor, University of Peradeniya, Faculty of Arts, 2014

Academic Sub-Warden, James Peris Hall, University of Peradeniya, 2013/14

Seminar Coordinator, Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya 2013/14

Seminar Facilitator, GAQ Seminar Series for the year 2014, Centre for Distance and Continuing Education, University of Peradeniya

Seminar Facilitator, BA Seminar Series for the year 2012, Centre for Distance and Continuing Education, University of Peradeniya

Co-coordinator for the Diploma in social Development & welfare, External Degree Programmes & Extension Service Unite (EDPES) Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Academic year 2011

Student Counselor, Faculty of Social Sciences & Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 2009/2010

Syllabi Setter- Curriculum Revision-2009, Department of Social Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka