Welcome to the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya! It is a privilege for me to represent the prestigious faculty that serves our university through research, scholarship, teaching, and support services.
The Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, is an exciting place in Sri Lanka because it provides a wonderful environment that encourages the development of a multitude of gifts and talents. In the Faculty of Arts, whatever one’s life and career goals are, our programmes and professors can help transform students into lifelong learners with the ability to thrive in continually changing world.
I invite you to take advantage of the conducive learning environment, resources, and opportunities that the Faculty of Arts has to offer, as students and staff.
As the Dean of the Faculty I would like to cordially invite you all who are interested in expanding your knowledge and enriching your careers to explore our faculty further, either online or through a visit to the faculty.
Dr. E.M.P.C.S. Ekanayake
Doctor of Education (Leicester), M.Phil. (Colombo), M.Ed. (Sussex), PGDE and B.A. Hons. (Peradeniya)